12. Access Control

This section introduces RDFox®’s access control system. The key concepts of the system are described first, followed by sections on roles, external agents, the role manager, and authentication. The final two sub-sections present a walkthrough of how to secure and RDFox server followed by some examples of access control policies.

Access control settings may be persisted between sessions or for replication purposes. See Section 13 for more information.

12.1. Key Concepts

This section describes the key concepts of RDFox’s access control system, beginning with primitives such as resources and access types, and moving on to more complex concepts such as privileges and agents and finally, authorization.

12.1.1. Resources

A resource represents a component of an RDFox server to which access can be controlled. As described in Section 4, the set of resources within each server form a containment hierarchy with the server itself at the root.

Every resource has a unique name relative to the server. To make it clear which resources are contained within other resources, the names of contained resources begin with the name of the resource that contains them.

The following table shows the different types of resource within an RDFox server with the corresponding resource name format. Braces ({}) indicate list-element segments.


Resource name format

The server itself.


The list of requests running on the RDFox endpoint.


The list of data stores within a server.


A specific data store within the server.


The Datalog program loaded inside a data store.


The OWL axioms loaded inside a data store.


The commit procedure of a data store.


The list of delta queries registered with a data store.


A specific delta query registered with a data store.


The list of data sources registered with a data store.


A specific data source registered with a data store.


The list of tuple tables within a data store.


A specific tuple table within a data store.


A specific named graph within a data store.


The list of roles in the server’s role database.


A specific role in the server’s role database.



Graph names appearing in access control resource names must be valid Turtle literals. For convenience, IRIs may be specified using prefixes defined within the referenced data store, or as relative IRIs against the data store’s base IRI. Named graph resource names will usually be output using fully-expanded IRIs in the graph name segment, regardless of how they were input.

12.1.2. Resource Specifiers

Resource specifiers enable administrators to describe sets of resources succinctly. All valid resource names are also valid resource specifiers. Additionally, resource specifiers may have the following elements:

  • *, the list element wildcard. This may appear as the final segment of a resource specifier if and only if that segment is a list-element segment, and signifies that a privilege applies to all possible values in that segment as determined at the time authorization is checked. For example, in a server containing roles a, b and c and no other roles, the resource specifier |roles|* specifies exactly the resources |roles|a, |roles|b and |roles|c. If role d is added, it too will be included in the set specified by |roles|*.

  • >, the recursivity indicator. A specifier beginning with > instead of the initial | character specifies the same resources that would be specified by the non-recursive version plus all of their subordinate resources. For example, in a server with a data store called ds containing data sources one and two, the resource specifier >datastores|ds|datasources specifies exactly the resources |datastores|ds|datasources, |datastores|ds|datasources|one and |datastores|ds|datasources|two. It is an error to use the recursivity indicator to begin the name of a resource with no subordinate resources.

The list element wildcard and recursivity indicator may be combined freely (subject to their individual rules). For example, if we want to grant a privilege over every part of every data store within a server but not over the list of data stores itself, we can use the resource specifier >datastores|*. To also include the list of data stores, we can use >datastores.

Resource specifiers have their own set of escaping rules which ensure that they do not impose any restrictions on list element names. The rules are as follow:

  • Names beginning with * must have the initial * escaped as **. For example the correct specifier for a role with name *abc would be |roles|**abc. No escaping of * characters is required at any other position within a name.

  • Names containing | must have each | escaped as ||. For example, the correct specifier for a data store with name my|store would be |datastores|my||store.

12.1.3. Access Types

An access type describes a particular mode of access to a resource.

RDFox defines three access types; read, write and grant. The read access type covers all retrieval of information from the system. The write access type covers addition, mutation and deletion of information. The grant access type is used to restrict which roles can grant and revoke privileges over a resource to or from other roles.

Multiple access types can be specified at once in a comma-separated list, e.g., read,write. To save typing in situations where a role should have full control of one or more resources, RDFox accepts the access type name full, which allows all of the above access types. Note that the full privilege for a resource specifier is stored separately from the read, write and grant privileges. This means that revoking full access type must be done explicitly, i.e. revoking read access from a role that has full access has no impact on what the role can actually do.

12.1.4. Privileges

In RDFox, privileges to access the system are expressed as pairs of resource specifiers and access type lists. The resource specifier identifies a subset of the server’s resources, and the access type list specifies the ways which those resources may be accessed by holders of the privilege.

12.1.5. Agents

In the context of RDFox access control, an agent is a person or system that uses an RDFox server. RDFox’s access control system enables the administrator of a server to control which agents can authenticate to the server and what level of access they have once authenticated.

There are two classes of agent: roles, which are managed by an RDFox server instance, and external agents, which are managed by an external system (e.g., Microsoft Entra™). The process of authenticating agents is described in sections Section 12.3 and Section 12.4. Roles

Roles are agents that are stored within an RDFox server. Roles can be created for individual users, or for groups of users. Although the concept of a role is common to many access control systems, this document uses the term to refer exclusively to RDFox roles. Roles are stored in and managed by the server’s role manager, which is described in more detail in Section 12.2.

Each role maintains a name that uniquely identifies a role. This name can be included in logs to provide a record of system usage.

Each role maintains a set privileges directly assigned to it, which can be modified by granting or revoking a privilege: the former adds a privilege to the set, and the latter removes a privilege from the set. To understand how grant and revoke operations work and how they affect what a role can do, assume that role A is granted a read privilege over >datastores and consider the following.

  • Only explicitly granted privileges can be revoked. Thus, although role A can read a data store called myStore (because >datastores is a recursive resource specifier that extends the read privilege too all data stores), an attempt to revoke a read privilege over |datastores|myStore for A will report that the latter privilege does not exist. This is because the set of privileges for A explicitly contains only a read privilege for >datastores, and not a read privilege over |datastores|myStore.

  • All privileges are positive in the sense that they specify what is allowed. Hence, since role A has been granted a read privilege over >datastores, it is not possible to prevent A from reading a specific data store.

  • The set of privileges associated with a role is a true set in the sense that all duplicates are eliminated. Hence, if a read privilege over >datastores is granted once more to role A, the set of privileges of A contains just one copy of the said privilege. Consequently, a subsequent attempt to revoke the read privilege for >datastores removes the privilege from the set.

Each role additionally maintains a set of roles that it is a member of, which can be modified by granting or revoking a role. For example, after granting a role B to a role A, role A is added as a member of role B. The term “granting a role” reflects how this feature is often used in practice; for example, one can grant a role Administrator to a role Peter to make Peter an administrator. The membership relation is transitive: if role B is granted to role A, and role C is granted to role B, then A is a member of both B and C; moreover B and C are said to be super roles of A.

RDFox uses the set of role’s effective privileges to authorize an access of a role to a protected resource (see Section 12.1.6). In particular, the set of effective privileges of a role is the union of the privileges granted to the role or any of its super roles. For example, if role B is granted a read privilege for >datastores, role A is granted a read and a write privilege for |datastores|myStore, and role B is granted to role A, then the set of effective privileges of A contains a read privilege for >datastores, a read privilege for |datastores|myStore, and a write privilege for for |datastores|myStore. One should not be confused by the fact that the read privilege for |datastores|myStore is redundant because it is subsumed by the read privilege for >datastores: the set of effective privileges for A still consists (conceptually) of these three privileges. The set of effective privileges cannot be modified directly: it is always derived automatically from the sets of the explicitly granted privileges and roles in the system.

When a role is created, it can optionally be associated with a password. Roles created with a password can authenticate in local shell sessions (i.e., using the RDFox executable’s shell mode) and may change their passwords later on. In contrast, roles created without a password cannot authenticate in local shell sessions and cannot have a password set at any later time. If a password is needed for a role that doesn’t have one, the role can be deleted and recreated with a password. The main use for password-less roles is providing a way to centrally store privileges for a class of user. External Agents

An external agent is any agent that does not have a corresponding role, but is provided by a trusted third-party system (for example Microsoft Entra™). External agents are typically used to provide single sign-on (SSO) facilities in large organizations, where creating a role in RDFox for each user would be inconvenient.

Unlike roles, privileges cannot be granted to external agents directly; instead, they can acquire privileges only by inheritance from super roles. To facilitate this, the third-party system must associate with each external agent a list of roles that the agent is a member of, which determines the set of effective privileges of an agent in the same way as described in Section During authentication, the third-party system must confirm the identity of the external agent, as well as provide the list of roles that the agent is a member of. This process is described in Section

12.1.6. Authorization

Before an agent attempts to execute an operation (e.g., importing data or running a query), RDFox will perform an authorization check for all resources that are required for the operation to succeed. In most cases cases this check is performed as follows.

  • RDFox first identifies the set of all prerequisites for the operation, where each prerequisite consists of a resource and an access type. This step is described in more detail in Section

  • For each prerequisite, RDFox inspects the set of agent’s effective privileges trying to locate at least one privilege whose resource specifier and access type covers the resource and the access type of the prerequisite.

  • As soon as a prerequisite is identified type cannot be covered by any of the privileges in the effective set, the operation is aborted, and an error message is provided describing the prerequisite resource and access type in question. Hence, the error message describes one, but not necessarily all reasons why an operation cannot proceed.

  • If all resources and access types can be matched, the operation is allowed to proceed.

In certain cases, however, applying this general authorization protocol might be hard; for example, it is hard (or in many cases even impossible) to identify the named graphs touched by a SPARQL query without evaluating the query itself. RDFox thus sometimes deviates from this general pattern, as further described in Section Identifying Prerequisites

Prerequisites for an operation are identified in the obvious way in most cases. For example, importing a Turtle file requires a read privilege over the data store (to access the data store’s prefixes), as well as a write privilege over the DefaultTriples tuple table (to write imported triples into the data store). The rest of this section discusses several less obvious cases.

Creating new resources (data stores, data sources, tuple tables or roles) requires a write privilege over the containing list resource. For example, creating a data store requires a write privilege over the /datastores resources. Deleting resources requires a write privilege over both the containing list resource and the element to be deleted.

Granting and revoking privileges involves two prerequisites: a grant access type over the resource to which access is being granted, and write access type over the role which will receive or, in the case of revocation, lose the privilege.

Example: Privileges needed to grant privileges over a data store

Granting the power to create data stores to a role named datastore-creators requires privileges sufficient for the following accesses:


Type of access





Granting and revoking membership of one role to another role works in a similar way. To grant membership of a role requires two privileges: grant over the role being granted and write over the role which will receive or, in the case of revocation, lose the membership.

Example: Privileges needed to grant membership of a role

Granting role group to role user1, requires privileges sufficient to allow these accesses:


Type of access




write Authorization Special Cases

This section documents four special cases where authorization does not follow the general pattern described in Section 12.1.6. Distinct Privileges for List and List Elements

RDFox provides several operations that retrieve lists of elements together with some basic elements’ properties. For example, it is possible to list all data stores and, for each, retrieve certain basic information such as the data store unique ID and whether a data store is online or offline. Strictly speaking, such operations have the following prerequisites:

  • a read access over the list resource (i.e., |datastores in this example) is needed to allow enumerating the elements in question, and

  • a read access over each element in the list (i.e., each data store in this example) is needed to read the element’s properties.

The “all or nothing” authorization check outlined in Section 12.1.6 requires all prerequisites to be satisfied before the operation can proceed, which can be problematic; for example, listing data stores would fail as soon as an agent cannot read at least one data store. To support such requests while still obeying access control restrictions, the prerequisites over the list elements are treated as optional – that is, the call succeeds if the agent as the read permission over the element list, and the element’s properties are optionally included for each element that the agent can read.

Consider an RDFox server with two data stores: ds1 and ds2. Agent admin has read access over all resources, while agent client has read access to the list of data stores and to ds1 but not to ds2. When admin queries the list of data stores, the response will name ds1 and ds2 and include properties of both. When client makes the same query, their response will name both data stores but will only include properties of ds1. Authorizing Named Graph Access

Applying the authorization check from Section 12.1.6 to the evaluation of SPARQL queries would require identifying the set of relevant named graphs in advance, but this is often very hard or even impossible without evaluating the query itself. Analogously, when importing a TriG file, the set of relevant named graphs is known only once the file has been fully processed. Thus, named graphs are never included into the set of prerequisites, and, instead, the following policies are applied.

  • For read access to named graphs, RDFox simply “pretends” that all named graphs not readable by the agent do not exist.

  • For write accesses to named graphs, RDFox aborts the operation on the first attempt to write to an unwritable named graph.


All operations that read or write to named graphs require privileges to access the containing data store and its Quads tuple table, all of which are checked as prerequisites.

The following SPARQL query selects all named graphs in a data store that are visible to the agent evaluating the query. This example shows how different agents may receive different results to the same query.


SPARQL updates involving DELETE/INSERT WHERE, COPY, ADD, or MOVE statements, are separately sensitive to which graphs are readable and writable as illustrated in the following example.

The following SPARQL update copies all of the triples from graph :G1 to graph :G2. Let’s assume that graph :G1 is not empty and that the prefix : is defined in the data store.

INSERT { GRAPH :G2 { ?S ?P ?O } }
WHERE  { GRAPH :G1 { ?S ?P ?O } }

Imagine we have a role with read and write privileges over the Quads table within the data store but no privileges over any named graphs. When the role invokes the above query, no authorization error is raised even though the INSERT clause specifies an unwritable graph. This is because access control prevented the body of the query (the WHERE clause) from matching the triple in the unreadable graph :G1 so there was no attempt to write a triple into the unwritable graph :G2.

If we grant the role a read privilege over graph :G1 and reevaluate the update (on a fresh connection), an error will be produced. This time, the query body was allowed to match the triple in :G1 and an attempt to write it to :G2 was made. This resulted in the operation being immediately aborted.

Finally, if we grant a write privilege over graph :G2 and reevaluate once more (again, on a fresh connection), no error is produced. If we were to inspect graph :G2 as a role with read permission over it, we would find the triples from :G1 there. Authorizing Request Access

Requests running on the RDFox endpoint are transient (i.e., they come and go as they are submitted) so it is not possible to control access to each request individually. Instead, RDFox observes the following rules for governing access to requests.

  • Each role has full control over all requests it creates.

  • For requests created by other roles, each role inherits the privileges of the |requests resource. Thus, a role with write access to the |requests resource is allowed to cancel any request running on the system. Authorizing a Role’s Access to Itself

No role is allowed to grant or revoke its own privileges or memberships.

12.2. Role Manager

Every RDFox server has a built-in role manager that is responsible for storing the server’s roles. The roles contained by the role manager can be modified using the appropriate APIs (see Section 16.18) or shell commands (see the role, grant, and revoke commands).

12.2.1. Role Manager Services

Every authentication workflow in RDFox uses one of the role manager services described in this section. Password-Based Authentication

A role can be authenticated by supplying the role’s name and password. When authentication fails, no information is leaked about whether the role exists or not. Direct Role Retrieval

Direct role retrieval is the process of retrieving a role using the role’s name alone (i.e., without checking the role’s password). This is used for cases where the role’s identity is authenticated by a trusted third-party system. Role retrieval will be successful only if the following conditions are met, and will otherwise result in an error.

  1. The role being authenticated exists (that is, there is a role with the same name).

  2. The role manager’s externally-authenticatable-role parameter is set to a role that also exists.

  3. The role being authenticated is a member of the role mentioned in condition 2.

  4. The role being authenticated does not have any members. Determining the Effective Privileges of External Agents

As explained in Section, external agents are not granted privileges directly. Rather, when authenticating an external agent, the third-party system conducting the authentication will provide a list of roles that the agent is a member of. If the following conditions are met, the role manager then produces the set of agent’s effective privileges provided; otherwise, authenticating the external agent fails.

  1. The agent name does not match that of any of the server’s roles.

  2. The role manager’s externally-grantable-role parameter is set to a role that exists.

  3. Every role in the list of roles specified by the third-party system exists and is a member of the role mentioned in condition 2.

12.2.2. Role Manager Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configuration parameters for the role manager. To specify these parameters, pass them as server parameters, prefixed with role-manager..





a non-negative integer

The amount of memory the role manager will use to generate Argon2i password hashes in kibibytes. If not zero, this parameter must be at least 8 times the argon2i.parallelism parameter although much larger values are usually required for security. The authors of the Argon2i algorithm included guidance on setting the parameters in Section 4 of rfc9106

This parameter, and the others beginning argon2i., only have an effect during initialization of a new persistent server. At that time, if any of the parameters is zero (the default value in all cases), RDFox will automatically determine values for all three parameters together to attempt to achieve a hashing time of approximately 1 second on the current hardware. Once the parameters are determined (whether from the user’s settings or by the automatic procedure) they are saved within the server directory and used when generating new hashes.


a non-negative integer

The number of iterations of the core Argon2i hashing algorithm that the role manager will use to generate Argon2i password hashes. See the comments for the argon2i.memory-cost parameter.


a non-negative integer

The number of independent computational chains that the role manager will use to generate Argon2i password hashes. See the comments for the argon2i.memory-cost parameter.


a string

The name of a role whose members may be authenticated by a third-party system (see conditions 2 and 3 in Section Setting this parameter does not create the role automatically: this must be done separately using a role creation API call or shell command.


a string

The name of a role whose members may be granted to external agents (see Section Setting this parameter does not create the role automatically: this must be done using a role creation API call or shell command.

12.3. Authentication Managers

Authentication is the process of identifying the agent that is involved in processing a request. Authentication requests are often processed by one of the preconfigured authentication authentication managers, but Section 12.4 specifies several cases in which an authentication manager is bypassed. The authentication-managers server parameter contains a comma-separated list of authentication managers configured for the server.

Each authentication manager provides two ways to authenticate an agent.

  • Each authentication manager implements an authentication scheme that can authenticate an agent from an opaque credentials string.

  • An authentication manager can be asked to create a session. Doing so produces a session token that uniquely identifies an agent. When making subsequent requests, a session token must be presented to the authentication manager to identify the agent involved in the request. At that point, the authentication manager may decide to refresh a session token – that is, issue a new a session token that is to be used in subsequent requests. The latter ensures that the same session token is not used for long periods of time, which could be a potential security vulnerability. In addition, an authentication manager can impose a validity time on session tokens – that is, reject authentication requests with tokens that are older than a predefined time period.

At present, both options are available only through the RESTful API. Thus, the HTTP authentication schemes define authentication scheme names and the format of the credentials string. Moreover, session tokens in the RESTful API are managed as described in Section The available authentication managers are described in the following sections.

12.3.1. role-name+password Authentication Manager

The role-name+password authentication manager allows users to authenticate as a role by supplying the role’s name and password. It has no support for authenticating external agents. To enable this role manager, include role-name+password in the comma-separated list specified for the authentication-managers server parameter. When enabled, the role-name+password authentication manager will be responsible for verifying the authentication information received in requests that use the Basic HTTP authentication scheme. Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configuration parameters for the role-name+password authentication manager. To specify these parameters, pass them as server parameters, prefixed with role-name+password..





a duration of 1 s or more specified as described in Section 4.3.2

Specifies the time after which a session token is refreshed – that is, when a request is made with a session token that is older than this time, the server will issue a fresh session token as part of authentication. The default value is 5 minutes.


a duration of 1 s or more specified as described in Section 4.3.2

Specifies the validity time of a session token – that is, an authentication request with a session token older than this time will fail. The default value is 24 hours. Session-Based Authentication

The role-name+password authentication manager does not require a login initiation call.

Login completion calls that are routed to this authentication manager must include the following parameters in the request body:

  • role-name

  • password

The authentication manager will call the role manager to perform password-based authentication.

Logout calls that are routed this authentication manager perform no action besides unsetting the session token cookie.

12.3.2. oidc Authentication Manager

The oidc (short for OpenID Connect) authentication manager allows users to authenticate as either a role or an external agent using OIDC tokens. To enable this role manager, include oidc in the comma-separated list specified for the authentication-managers server parameter.

When enabled, the OIDC authentication manager will be responsible for verifying the authentication information received in requests that use the Bearer HTTP authentication scheme.


RDFox does not support any mechanism for checking whether the credentials it receives have been revoked. This means that the holder of the credentials which has a valid structure and cryptographic signature will be able to use the credentials to authenticate to RDFox until the token’s expiration time. The same applies to any session derived from these credentials (see Section Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configuration parameters for the OIDC authentication manager. To specify these parameters, pass them as server parameters, prefixed with oidc..





a string

The name of the JWT claim from which the agent name will be extracted. The default value of this parameter is sub.

The values in the claim specified by this parameter may be printed in HTTP request logs and returned by the AGENT built-in in SPARQL requests. It is important that the value in this claim uniquely identifies the subject of the token.


a string

The identifier for the current RDFox instance as an OpenID Connect client. The aud claim from the received token must match the value set for this parameter, which has no default value and must be set explicitly.


a string

The secret issued for the current RDFox instance as an OpenID Connect client, for use when authenticating itself to the OpenID provider. This parameter has no default value and must be specified if interactive OIDC login is desired.


a duration, specified as described in Section 4.3.2

The duration of time after which a refresh token is deleted from disk. This value should be longer than the validity of the refresh token, otherwise the refresh token may be deleted while it is still in use. The default value is 91 days.


a string

The identifier for the OpenID provider’s issuer, which must be a case-sensitive URL using the https scheme that contains scheme, host, and optionally port number and path components, and no query or fragment components. The iss claim in received tokens must match this value. The value is also used to discover the OpenID provider’s configuration including its public keys, authorization endpoint and token endpoint. This parameter has no default and must be set explicitly.


a string

The name of the claim from the received JWT token which will be used as the agent name. This parameter has no default and may be left unset (see comments below this table).


a string

Specifies the directory to be used for persistence of refresh tokens. This value may be omitted, in which case RDFox will store the OIDC refresh tokens in the oidc-refresh-tokens subdirectory of the server directory (See also Section 13.1).

When authenticating a JWT, the OIDC authentication manager uses the availability of a roles claim to decide how to complete the authentication. If the roles-claim parameter is not set or if it is set but the JWT in question does not have a claim with the specified name, the OIDC authentication manager will ask the role manager to complete the authentication process using direct role retrieval. If the roles-claim parameter is set and the JWT in question does have a claim with the specified name, the OIDC authentication manager will attempt to compile the privileges of the JWT subject as an external agent, using the process described in external agent privilege compilation. Note that both of these options depend on the configuration of the role manager. Session-Based Authentication

Using the oidc authentication manager in session-based authentication requires that the client-secret parameter be set.

Login initiation calls that are routed to the OIDC authentication manager are required to specify the completion-uri initiation parameter specifying the URI where the OP will redirect the client after a successful login. Such a call initializes the state parameter for the authorization code flow, sets a cookie based on this, and redirects the client to the OpenID Connect provider (OP)’s authorization endpoint to request a token. The OP must then redirect the client back to the same URI as was specified via the completion-uri. The page at this URI must decode the code and state parameters from the URL fragment or query string, and use them to make a login completion call to the RDFox server, ensuring that the cookie set by the login initiation call is included in the request.

Login completion calls that are routed to the OIDC authentication manager must include, in the request body, the code and state values received from the OP as well as the same completion-uri value as was used in the initiation call. Using this information, the OIDC authentication manager will then attempt to authenticate the resource owner by performing a token request with the OP and, if this is successful, processing the received ID token in the same way if it were received with the Authorization header. A refresh token is requested and must be present in the token response.

The OIDC authentication manager securely encrypts and stores refresh tokens to disk as specified by the refresh-tokens-directory parameter. Logout calls that are routed to the OIDC authentication manager delete the refresh token from disk and unset the session token cookie. This model ensures that even in the case that an attacker gains access to a valid session token cookie, they are not able to refresh the session after logout. Expired refresh tokens are automatically deleted from disk after the time specified by the delete-refresh-token-after parameter has elapsed.

12.4. Other Authentication Pathways

The following authentication workflows do not use an authentication manager, instead using the role manager directly:

12.5. Securing an RDFox Server

This section gives practical information on how to set up a secure, persistent RDFox server. Examples are given for the RDFox executable and shell but all steps can also be achieved programmatically using the APIs described in Section 16.

12.5.1. Initialization

At least one role must exist within an RDFox server’s role database before that server can be used. When the role database is empty at startup, either because the server directory has not been initialized for role persistence, or because role persistence is disabled, RDFox will check the process’s command line arguments and environment variables for the name and password to use for the first role. If either value is missing after that, the behavior depends on the executable mode in use. In init mode, the user is prompted to provide the missing values as follows:

Enter the name of the first role: admin
Enter the first role password:
Confirm the password:

See Section 18 for more details on how to start the RDFox executable.

When using role persistence, RDFox will next determine the parameters for hashing passwords on the local hardware. This may take a minute or more but will only happen the first time persistence is used with a given server directory. A successful initialization will continue as follows:

Initializing access control (may take a minute or more)...
Access control has been initialized by creating the first role with name "admin".

This concludes the initialization process and the process will now exit. At this point, the first role holds the privilege full >, giving it full control over the server and all its resources, including the power to configure access control. Next, we launch a shell mode process which will ask for login credentials. Once authentication is successful, the shell prompt is returned.

A new server connection was opened as role 'admin' and stored with name 'sc1'.


RDFox uses argon2i to compute hashes for storage when role persistence is enabled.

12.5.2. Managing Roles

In the shell, the role command provides several subcommands for managing the roles in the system. It uses the shell’s active server connection to perform operations. To understand how the shell manages server and data store connections, see Section 15.1.

The command role create <role-name> creates a new role, prompting for the role’s password to be provided and confirmed. For example:

> role create user1
Enter the password for the new role:
Confirm the password:
A new role was created with name "user1".

In some situations, it may be necessary to create a role without a password, for example when the role will used solely to group other roles. This can be achieved by adding the no-password flag to the command:

> role create group no-password A new role was created with name “group”.

To list the roles in the server’s role database, use role list. To delete a role which is no longer needed, use role delete <role-name>.

To change a role’s password, ensure that the active server connection is authenticated as the role whose password is to be changed and issue the password command. It is not possible to change the password of a role that was created without a password. If this is necessary, the role must be deleted and recreated with a password.


Commands that require interactive password entry cannot be used in the remote shell.

12.5.3. Assigning Privileges Directly

In the shell, privileges are granted or revoked with the privileges subcommand of the grant or revoke commands. Privileges must be given as a list of access types followed by a resource specifier. For example the following script grants read, write and grant privileges over all data stores to user1 and then revokes the write and grant privileges:

> grant privileges read,write,grant >datastores|* to user1
The privileges 'read,write,grant' over the resource specifier ">datastores|*" were granted to the role "user1".
> revoke privileges write,grant >datastores|* from user1
The privileges 'write,grant' over resource specifier ">datastores|*" were revoked from the role "user1".

To check that the role’s privileges are now as we expect, we can use the show subcommand of the role command which prints all of the specified role’s privileges, memberships and members:

> role show user1

Password hash for 'user1' is <password-hash>

'user1' has the following directly assigned privileges:
  Resource specifier   Allowed access types
  >datastores|*        read

'user1' is a direct member of the following roles:

The following roles are direct members of 'user1':

12.5.4. Discovering Privilege Requirements

Individual operations may require several privileges depending on which resources they access. To determine which privileges are needed for a particular operation, attempt the operation as a completely unprivileged role and examine the resulting error message to identify the first required privilege. For example, the error messages in the following shell session tells us that in order to list the roles, a role must have a read privilege over the |roles resource.

> srvconn open user1-connection as user1
Password for 'user1':
A new server connection was opened and stored with name 'user1-connection'.
> srvconn active user1-connection
Server connection 'user1-connection' is active.
> role list
An error occurred while executing the command:
    The role 'user1' is not authorized to read the resource '|roles'.

Next, grant the missing privilege:

> srvconn active sc1
Server connection 'user1-connection' is active.
> grant privileges read |roles to user1
The privilege 'read' over the resource specifier "|roles" was granted to the role "user1".

Although the privileges were successfully granted to the role, the server connection we opened earlier as user1 will not have been modified. To exercise the new privileges available to user1, we first close the existing server connection and open and activate a new one:

> srvconn close
The active server connection was closed.
> srvconn open user1-connection as user1
Password for 'user1':
A new server connection was opened and stored with name 'user1-connection'.
> srvconn active user1-connection
Server connection 'user1-connection' is active.

Finally, retry the operation:

> role list

The command is now successful. For other commands, multiple iterations of the above process may be needed before the command succeeds. For security reasons, RDFox only reveals the missing privileges for one resource at a time.

12.5.5. Assigning Privileges via Membership

Roles can be arranged into hierarchies using the role subcommand of the grant command:

> srvconn active sc1
Server connection 'sc1' is active.
> grant role group to user1
Membership of the role 'group' was granted to the role 'user1'.

and removed from them using the role subcommand of the revoke command:

> revoke role group from user1
Membership of the role "group" was revoked from the role "user1" (if it was present).

A role may be a member of as many other roles as is necessary however RDFox will prevent cycles: a role cannot be a member of itself either directly or indirectly. RDFox will also not allow roles with one or more members to be deleted.

12.5.6. Securing the REST Endpoint

On receipt of an anonymous REST request (one with no Authorization header or TLS-authenticated role name), RDFox will attempt to create a new connection for the request by authenticating with role name guest and password guest. To enable anonymous REST access, administrators should therefore create the guest role and grant it the privileges to perform any operation which should be available to any client that can reach the REST endpoint. As a corollary, anonymous REST access can be completely disabled by ensuring the absence of a role named guest from the server’s role list. Note that RDFox will not allow the guest role to be created with any password other than guest, nor will it allow this role’s password to be changed.

12.5.7. Testing the Setup

Verifying that your access control policy is correct is an essential step in establishing a secure RDFox server. Oxford Semantic Technologies recommends comprehensive tests including both positive (checking that a given role can perform the operations it should be authorized to perform) and negative (check that a given role cannot perform the operations it should not be authorized to perform) tests.

12.5.8. Persistence

When persistence (see Section 13) is enabled, RDFox saves relevant parts of the server’s content to the server directory. An attacker with access to that directory will be able to tamper with any persisted access control policies. For this reason, it is vital to also tightly control access to the server directory when role persistence is enabled.

12.6. Example Access Control Policies

This section contains several additional examples of access control policies. The scripts in this section are written assuming they are being run by a role with the all-powerful full > privilege as is assigned to the first server role.

12.6.1. Anonymous, Read-Only REST Access

The following shell example shows how to enable anonymous (unauthenticated), read-only access to the entire server:

> role create guest
A new role was created with name "guest".
> grant privileges read > to guest
The privilege 'read' over the resource specifier ">" was granted to the role "guest".
> endpoint start
The REST endpoint was successfully started at port number/service name 12110 with 11 threads.

See Securing the REST Endpoint for more details.

12.6.2. Delegating Administration of a Data Store

To minimize the work that must be done as the most powerful role, it may be desirable to create separate roles to administrate each data store. To do this, first create the data store and its administrator role and ensure that the role has full control over the data store as follows:

> dstore create ds
A new data store 'ds' was created and initialized.
> active ds
Data store connection 'ds' is active.
> role create ds-admin
A new role was created with name "ds-admin".
> grant privileges full >datastores|ds to ds-admin
The privilege 'full' over the resource specifier ">datastores|ds" was granted to the role "ds-admin".

Finally, to ensure that ds-admin is able to grant and revoke privileges over the data store to and from other roles, we grant it write access over all roles as follows:

> grant privileges read |roles to ds-admin
The privilege 'read' over the resource specifier "|roles" was granted to the role "ds-admin".
> grant privileges read,write |roles|* to ds-admin
The privileges 'read,write' over the resource specifier "|roles|*" were granted to the role "ds-admin".