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- ABSENT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.BindAtom
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.FilterAtom
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Negation
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.BlankNode
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.ExistenceExpression
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Variable
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicObject
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.AlternativePath
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.InversePath
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.ResourcePath
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.SequencePath
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.BindPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ConjunctionPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.DisjunctionPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.FilterPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.GraphPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.MinusPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.OptionalPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.PathPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.SubselectPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ValuesPattern
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.ConstructQuery
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.LoadUpdate
- accept(LogicVisitor<E>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- ACCESS_TYPE_GRANT - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
A flag specifying grant access to a resource.
- ACCESS_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
A flag specifying no access to a resource.
- ACCESS_TYPE_READ - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
A flag specifying read access to a resource.
- ACCESS_TYPE_STAR - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
A flag specifying all access types to a resource.
- ACCESS_TYPE_WRITE - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
A flag specifying write access to a resource.
- add(List<Expression>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- add(Expression...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- ADD - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
- ADD - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- ADDITION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerType
The answer provides a record of additions to the delta query results.
- ADDITION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.UpdateType
Indicates that an update operation should add rules/facts.
- ADDITION_UPDATE_PREFIXES - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.UpdateType
Indicates that an update operation should add rules/facts and then update prefixes.
- addRule(Rule) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Adds a rule to the data store.
- addRules(Collection<Rule>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Adds a collection of rules to the data store.
- advance() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Advances the cursor and positions it to the next tuple.
- Aggregate - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- Aggregate.Bind - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- ALL - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification
- ALREADY_OFFLINE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.OfflineRequestResult
The data store in question was already offline.
- AlternativePath - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- analyzeState(String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Analyzes the state of the server instance in the specified server directory.
- appendEscapedIRI(CharSequence, int, int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- appendString(Consumer<String>, String, int) - Static method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- appendUnescapedIRI(CharSequence, int, int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- ASCENDING - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.SortOrder
- ASK_QUERY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.CursorType
The cursor was obtained from an ASK query.
- Atom - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- AuthenticationException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an authentication request fails (e.g., when the system is presented with an invalid combination of a role name and password).
- AuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.AuthenticationException
- AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.AuthenticationException
- AuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.AuthenticationException
- AuthorizationException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when a specified user is not authorised to perform a particular action on a resource (e.g., when a user attempts to change a data store for which they have only read-only access).
- AuthorizationException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.AuthorizationException
- AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.AuthorizationException
- AuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.AuthorizationException
- AXIOMS - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- beginTransaction(TransactionType) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Starts a new transaction on this connection.
- BinaryDataStoreFormat - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Identities the binary format of a data store file.
- bind(InputStream) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.DatalogParser
- bind(Reader) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.DatalogParser
- bind(InputSource) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.DatalogParser
- Bind(FunctionCall, Variable) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate.Bind
- BindAtom - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- BindPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- BLANK_NODE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- BlankNode - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- BodyFormula - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- BOTTOM_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- BOTTOM_OBJECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- bringDataStoreOffline(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Makes sure that the data store with the given name is offline.
- bringDataStoreOnline(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Makes sure that the data store with the given name is online.
- BUILTIN - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableType
Type marker for a built-in tuple table.
- canAdvance() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Checks whether
can be called to continue iteration. - changeRolePassword(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Creates the password of the role that is associated with this connection.
- checkIntegrity(int, OutputStream) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Checks the integrity of this server and reports any problems that might have occurred.
- CipherInputStream - Class in
A class which wraps an input stream and decrypts the data read from it using AES-256-CBC.
- CipherInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CipherInputStream object to decrypt the content of the provided input stream.
- CipherOutputStream - Class in
A class which wraps an output stream, encrypting the data written to it using AES-256-CBC.
- CipherOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CipherOutputStream object to encrypt the data before passing it into the provided output stream.
- clear() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- clear(int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Clears the specified parts of the data store.
- CLEAR - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
- clearRulesAxiomsExplicateFacts() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Clears all rules and turns all facts in the data store into EDB facts.
- close() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Closes the cursor by freeing all resources associated with it.
- close() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Closes the data store connection by freeing all resources associated with it.
- close() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Closes the data store connection by freeing all resources associated with it.
- close() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.TurtleTriGWriter
Flushes, then closes the output stream.
- close() - Method in class
Closes the input stream.
- close() - Method in class
Flushes, then closes the output stream.
- COMMIT_PROCEDURE - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- commitTransaction() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Commits the transaction associated with this connection.
- compact() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Compact the data in the data store.
- ComponentInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a component of the data store.
- ComponentInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, ComponentInfo[]) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ComponentInfo
- ConjunctionPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- ConstraintViolationException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to commit a transaction in which the default RDF graph contains at least one instance of the class
. - ConstraintViolationException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ConstraintViolationException
- ConstraintViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ConstraintViolationException
- ConstraintViolationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ConstraintViolationException
- CONSTRUCT_NO_NAMED_GRAPHS - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.CursorType
The cursor was obtained from a CONSTRUCT query where the construction template contains no named graphs.
- CONSTRUCT_WITH_NAMED_GRAPHS - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.CursorType
The cursor was obtained from a CONSTRUCT query where the construction template contains named graphs.
- ConstructQuery - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- consumeFact(int, int, TupleTableAtom) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.InputConsumer
- consumePrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.InputConsumer
- consumeRule(int, int, Rule) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.InputConsumer
- containsDataSource(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Checks whether the data store contains a data source with the specified name.
- containsDataSourceTable(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Checks whether the specified data source in the data store contains a data source table with the specified name.
- containsDataStore(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
if the connected server contains a data store with the given name. - containsDeltaQuery(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Checks whether the data store contains a delta query with the specified name.
- containsStatistics(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Checks whether the data store contains the statistics with the specified name.
- containsTupleTable(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Checks whether the data store contains a tuple table with the specified name.
- CONTINUE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction
Importation should continue after a notification (provided that continuing is possible).
- COPY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
- CountingPath - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- CountingPath.PathCountType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- create(boolean, boolean, List<SelectQuery.SelectionPair>, QueryBody) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- create(boolean, boolean, SelectQuery.SelectionPair[], QueryBody) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- create(boolean, UpdateType, String, TupleTableName) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.LoadUpdate
- create(boolean, GroupGraphPattern) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.ExistenceExpression
- create(String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- create(String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.BlankNode
- create(String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- create(String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Variable
- create(String, boolean, List<FunctionCall.ScalarValue>, List<Expression>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- create(String, boolean, FunctionCall.ScalarValue[], Expression...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- create(String, List<Expression>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- create(String, Datatype) - Static method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- create(String, Datatype) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- create(String, Expression...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- create(List<Atom>, List<Variable>, List<Aggregate.Bind>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate
- create(List<TupleTableAtom>, List<BodyFormula>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- create(List<Variable>, List<List<Resource>>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ValuesPattern
- create(List<Variable>, List<Atom>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Negation
- create(List<NegativePath.NegatedPath>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath
- create(List<Path>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.AlternativePath
- create(List<Path>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.SequencePath
- create(List<GroupGraphPattern>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.DisjunctionPattern
- create(List<QueryPattern>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ConjunctionPattern
- create(Atom...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Negation
- create(Atom[], Variable[], Aggregate.Bind[]) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate
- create(TupleTableAtom[], BodyFormula[]) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- create(TupleTableAtom, List<BodyFormula>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- create(TupleTableAtom, BodyFormula...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- create(TupleTableName, List<Term>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- create(TupleTableName, List<Term>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- create(TupleTableName, List<Term>, Term) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- create(TupleTableName, Term...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- create(TupleTableName, Term[]) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- create(TupleTableName, Term[], Term) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- create(Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.FilterAtom
- create(Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.FilterPattern
- create(Expression, Variable) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.BindAtom
- create(Expression, Variable) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.BindPattern
- create(Resource) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.ResourcePath
- create(Resource, ConjunctionPattern, ConjunctionPattern, QueryBody) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- create(Term, Term, Term) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- create(Term, Term, Term, Term) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- create(Term, Path, Term) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.PathPattern
- create(Term, GroupGraphPattern) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.GraphPattern
- create(Variable[], Atom[]) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Negation
- create(Variable[], Resource[]...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ValuesPattern
- create(NegativePath.NegatedPath...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath
- create(Path) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.InversePath
- create(Path...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.AlternativePath
- create(Path...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.SequencePath
- create(Path, CountingPath.PathCountType) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath
- create(ConjunctionPattern, ConjunctionPattern, QueryBody) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- create(ConjunctionPattern, QueryBody) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.ConstructQuery
- create(GroupGraphPattern) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.MinusPattern
- create(GroupGraphPattern) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.OptionalPattern
- create(GroupGraphPattern...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.DisjunctionPattern
- create(QueryPattern...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ConjunctionPattern
- create(GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType, boolean, GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification, Resource, GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification, Resource) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- create(SelectQuery) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.SubselectPattern
- CREATE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
- createCursor(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query with the default fetch window size of 100.
- createCursor(String, Map<String, String>, int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query.
- createCursor(Query, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query with the default fetch window size of 100.
- createCursor(Query, Map<String, String>, int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query.
- createDataStore(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Creates a data store with the given name.
- createExplanation(String, int, int, ExplanationType, OutputStream) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Computes an explanation for a given fact and saves it in JSON format to the given output stream.
- createExplanation(TupleTableAtom, int, int, ExplanationType, OutputStream) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Computes an explanation for a given fact and saves it in JSON format to the given output stream.
- createFirstRole(String, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Creates the first role in the server.
- createImmutable(List<Resource>, List<Resource>, GroupGraphPattern, List<QueryBody.GroupCondition>, List<Expression>, List<QueryBody.OrderCondition>, long, long, ValuesPattern) - Static method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- createImmutable(Resource[], Resource[], GroupGraphPattern, QueryBody.GroupCondition[], Expression[], QueryBody.OrderCondition[], long, long, ValuesPattern) - Static method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- createImmutable(QueryBody) - Static method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- createMutable() - Static method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- createRole(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Creates a new role with the given name and password.
- createRole(String, PasswordSpecificationType, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Creates a new role with the given name and password.
- createStatistics(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Creates the statistics in a data store.
- createTupleTable(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Creates a tuple table in a data store.
- Cursor - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Provides access to the results of a query.
- CursorAdvanceException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when
is called and the cursor was not opened earlier, or the data store has changed
was called. - CursorAdvanceException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.CursorAdvanceException
- CursorAdvanceException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.CursorAdvanceException
- CursorAdvanceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.CursorAdvanceException
- CursorNoLongerUsableException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when a method of
is called but the data store has changed in a way that prevents this cursor from being used any more. - CursorNoLongerUsableException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.CursorNoLongerUsableException
- CursorNoLongerUsableException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.CursorNoLongerUsableException
- CursorNoLongerUsableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.CursorNoLongerUsableException
- CursorType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Determines the type of query that a cursor was obtained from.
- DATA_SOURCE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableType
Type marker for a tuple table that provides access to facts stored in a data source.
- DATA_STORE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- DatalogParser - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats
- DatalogParser(Resource, Prefixes) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.DatalogParser
- DataSourceInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a data source.
- DataSourceInfo(String, Map<String, String>, int) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceInfo
- DataSourceTableInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a data source table.
- DataSourceTableInfo(String, String[], Datatype[]) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceTableInfo
- DataStoreConnection - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates a connection to an RDFox data store.
- DataStoreInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a data store.
- DataStoreInfo(String, String, boolean, boolean, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
- dataStoreOperationStarted(long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreOperationStartMonitor
Called whenever an operation on a data store connection is performed.
- DataStoreOperationStartMonitor - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
An instance of this callback interface can be set on to a
to intercept starting of operations on the data store connection. - DataStorePart - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Describes a part of the data store.
- DataStorePart() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- Datatype - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic
- DECLARED_NEW - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DeclareResult
- declarePrefix(String, String) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- declareStandardPrefixes() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- decodeIRI(CharSequence) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- decodeIRI(CharSequence, StringBuilder) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- decodeIRI(CharSequence, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- DEFAULT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification
- DEFAULT_TRIPLES - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- deleteDataStore(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Deletes a data store with the given name from the server.
- deleteDataStore(String, DataStoreOperationStartMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Deletes a data store with the given name from the server if the validation of the operation passes.
- deleteDeltaQueryAnswers(Optional<String>, Optional<Long>, Optional<Long>, Optional<DeltaQueryAnswerType>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deletes the delta query answers that match the specified delta query name, the data store version range, and delta query answer type.
- DeleteInsertUpdate - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- deleteRole(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Deletes a role with the given name.
- deleteRule(Rule) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deletes a rule to the data store.
- deleteRules(Collection<Rule>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deletes a collection of rules to the data store.
- deleteStatistics(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deletes the data store statistics with the specified name from the data store.
- deleteTupleTable(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deletes the tuple table with the specified name from the data store.
- DELETION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerType
The answer provides a record of deletions from the delta query results.
- DELETION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.UpdateType
Indicates that an update operation should delete rules/facts.
- DELTA - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryEvaluationMode
The evaluation mode that generates the delta of the delta query answers.
- DELTA_QUERIES - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- DeltaQueryAnswerInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Represents the answer information to a delta query.
- DeltaQueryAnswerInfo(String, long, DeltaQueryAnswerType, String, String) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
- DeltaQueryAnswerType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Describes the type of answer returned by a delta query.
- DeltaQueryCompilationException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an error during rule compilation occurs.
- DeltaQueryCompilationException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.DeltaQueryCompilationException
- DeltaQueryCompilationException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.DeltaQueryCompilationException
- DeltaQueryCompilationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.DeltaQueryCompilationException
- DeltaQueryEvaluationMode - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Describes the mode of evaluation of a delta query.
- DeltaQueryInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a delta query.
- DeltaQueryInfo(String, String, Query, String, int, int, int, long, long, long) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
- DEPENDENCY_GRAPH - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_D - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_N - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- deregisterDataSource(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deregisters the data source table with the specified name from the data store.
- deregisterDeltaQuery(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deregisters the delta query with the specified name from the data store.
- DESCENDING - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.SortOrder
- describeDataSource(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about the data source with the given name.
- describeDataSourceTable(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about the data source table of the specified data source in the data store.
- describeDataStore(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns information about the data store with the given name.
- describeDeltaQuery(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about the delta query with the given name.
- describeStatistics(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about the specific statistics of the data store.
- describeTupleTable(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about the tuple table with the given name.
- DIFFERENT_FROM - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- DisjunctionPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- divide(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- DIVIDE - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- DROP - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
- duplicate() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Creates a new connection to the same data store.
- duplicate() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Creates a new connection to the same data store.
- DuplicateResourceException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when a client tries to create a resource that already exists.
- DuplicateResourceException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.DuplicateResourceException
- DuplicateResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.DuplicateResourceException
- DuplicateResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.DuplicateResourceException
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate.Bind
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Atom
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.BodyFormula
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Expression
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall.ScalarValue
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Resource
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Term
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Variable
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath.NegatedPath
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.Path
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.GroupGraphPattern
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.QueryPattern
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.GroupCondition
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.OrderCondition
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery.SelectionPair
- encodeIRI(CharSequence) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- encodeIRI(CharSequence, StringBuilder) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- encodeIRI(CharSequence, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- equal(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- EQUAL - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceTableInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Pair
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatisticsInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
- ERROR - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationType
- evaluateQuery(String, Map<String, String>, QueryAnswerMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates a query and calls the supplied
instance for each tuple in the result. - evaluateQuery(Query, Map<String, String>, QueryAnswerMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates a query and calls the supplied
instance for each tuple in the result. - evaluateStatement(String, Map<String, String>, File, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates a statement and serializes the result to the supplied file using the specified format.
- evaluateStatement(String, Map<String, String>, OutputStream, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates a statement and serializes the result to the supplied output stream using the specified format.
- evaluateStatement(Statement, Map<String, String>, File, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates a statement and serializes the result to the supplied file using the specified format.
- evaluateStatement(Statement, Map<String, String>, OutputStream, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates a statement and serializes the result to the supplied output stream using the specified format.
- evaluateUpdate(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates an update.
- evaluateUpdate(Update, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates an update.
- evaluateUpdates(List<Update>, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Evaluates a list of updates.
- EXHAUSTIVE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ExplanationType
All possible ways to derive a target fact are returned, including ways to derive the explicitly given facts.
- ExistenceExpression - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- ExplanationType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Determines the type of explanation that should be produced by a data store connection.
- exportData(File, String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Exports the data in the data store using the given format.
- exportData(File, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Exports the data in the data store using the given format.
- exportData(OutputStream, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Exports the data in the data store using the given format.
- exportDeltaQueryAnswer(OutputStream, String, long, DeltaQueryAnswerType) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Exports the delta query answer with the specified name, data store version, and delta query answer type.
- Expression - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- Expression() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Expression
- FACTS - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- FAILED_DUE_TO_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.OfflineRequestResult
The request to bring a data store offline failed because at least one data store connection is open on the data store.
- FilterAtom - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- FilterPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- finish() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.InputConsumer
- flush() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.TurtleTriGWriter
Flushes the output stream.
- flush() - Method in class
Flushes the output stream.
- FunctionCall - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- FunctionCall.ScalarValue - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- getAdditionsMaxSize() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the additions max size of a delta query.
- getAgentName() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the name of the agent currently associated with this connection.
- getAgentName() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the name of the agent currently associated with this connection.
- getAggregateBinds() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate
- getAggregatedAtoms() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate
- getAllPossibleVariables() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- getAlternatives() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.AlternativePath
- getAnswerVariableName(int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the name of the answer variable for the given index.
- getArgument() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.ExistenceExpression
- getArgument() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.GraphPattern
- getArgument() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.MinusPattern
- getArgument() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.OptionalPattern
- getArgument() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.SubselectPattern
- getArguments() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.BodyFormula
- getArguments() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- getArguments() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- getArguments() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- getArity() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the arity (i.e., the number of columns) of the answers that the cursor computes.
- getBaseIRI() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Returns the base IRI of this input source.
- getBody() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- getBoundVariable() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.BindAtom
- getBoundVariable() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.BindPattern
- getColumnDatatype(int) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceTableInfo
Returns the datatype of the column with the given index.
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceTableInfo
Returns the name of the column with the given index.
- getCommitProcedure() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the data store's commit procedure.
- getComponentInfo(boolean) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns diagnostic information about the data store as a tree of objects each providing detailed information about the data store.
- getComponentInfo(boolean) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns diagnostic information about the server as a tree of objects each providing detailed information about the server.
- getConjuncts() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ConjunctionPattern
- getConstructTemplate() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.ConstructQuery
- getContent() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Returns the content of this input source.
- getCurrentMultiplicity() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the multiplicity of the current tuple.
- getCurrentOffset() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the offset of the current tuple.
- getCursorType() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the type of the query that this cursor was obtained from.
- getData() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ValuesPattern
- getDatasetDefaultGraphs() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getDatasetNamedGraphs() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getDataSourceTableData(String, String, int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns a sample of the data from the specified data source table.
- getDataStoreConnection() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the data store connection that this cursor is associated with.
- getDataStoreOperationStartMonitor() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the current callback interface that will be called whenever an operation starts on this data store connection.
- getDataStoreProperties() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns all data store properties as key-value pairs.
- getDataStoreProperty(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the specified property of the data store.
- getDataStoreVersion() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
If a transaction is active, the data store version associated with the transaction is returned; otherwise, the last committed data store version is returned.
- getDataStoreVersion() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
Returns the data store version which caused this delta query answer to be created.
- getDataStoreVersionAfterLastOperation() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the version that the data store had after the last operation on this connection.
- getDatatype() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- getDatatype() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- getDatatypeID() - Method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- getDeleteTemplate() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- getDeletionsMaxSize() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the deletions max size of a delta query.
- getDeltaQueryAnswerType() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
Returns the delta query answer type.
- getDeltaQueryName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
Returns the name of the delta query of this delta query answer.
- getDisjuncts() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.DisjunctionPattern
- getDistinct() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- getEncodedIRI() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.PrefixData
- getExistentialVariables() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Negation
- getExplicit() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- getExplicit() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- getExpression() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.BindAtom
- getExpression() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.FilterAtom
- getExpression() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.BindPattern
- getExpression() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.FilterPattern
- getExpression() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.GroupCondition
- getExpression() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.OrderCondition
- getExpression() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery.SelectionPair
- getFirst() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Pair
Returns the first element of the pair.
- getFormatName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
Returns the format name.
- getFormatName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the format name of a delta query.
- getFunctionName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- getGraph() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.GraphPattern
- getGraphUpdateType() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- getGroupBy() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getGroupVariables() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate
- getHaving() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getHead() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- getID() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
Returns the ID of a tuple table.
- getID() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.BlankNode
- getImportAborted() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
if the import was aborted before processing all input(s) fully. - getInsertTemplate() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- getIRI() - Method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- getIRI() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- getIRI() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.PrefixData
- getIsDistinct() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- getIsPositive() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.ExistenceExpression
- getLastDataStoreVersionWithAddition() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the last data store version with addition of a delta query.
- getLastDataStoreVersionWithDeletion() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the last data store version with deletion of a delta query.
- getLastDataStoreVersionWithSnapshot() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the last data store version with snapshot of a delta query.
- getLastSnapshotDataStoreVersion() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the data store version of the most recent snapshot.
- getLexicalForm() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- getLexicalForm() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- getLimit() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getLockTimeout() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the time in milliseconds that the system will wait for when it needs to acquire a lock on a data store.
- getMaxArity() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
Returns the maximum arity (i.e., the number of columns) of a tuple table.
- getMemoryUse() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the current memory use of RDFox.
- getMinArity() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
Returns the minimum arity (i.e., the number of columns) of a tuple table.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ComponentInfo
Return the name of the component info.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceInfo
Returns the data source name.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceTableInfo
Returns the name of a data source table.
- getName() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the name of the data store inside the server.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
Returns the data store name.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the name of a delta query.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Returns the name of this input source.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatisticsInfo
Returns the statistics name.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
Returns the name of a tuple table.
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- getName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Variable
- getNegatedAtoms() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Negation
- getNegatedPaths() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath
- getNumberOfAttemptedDeletions() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns the number of tuples the statement tried to delete.
- getNumberOfAttemptedInsertions() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns the number of tuples the statement tried to insert.
- getNumberOfChangedAxioms() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of axioms that were changed during the import.
- getNumberOfChangedFacts() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of facts that were changed during the import.
- getNumberOfChangedRules() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of rules that were changed during the import.
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceTableInfo
Returns the number of columns in a data source table.
- getNumberOfDeletions() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns the number of tuples actually deleted by the statement.
- getNumberOfErrors() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of errors that were reported during the import.
- getNumberOfInsertions() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns the number of tuples actually inserted by the statement.
- getNumberOfProcessedAxioms() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of axioms that were processed during the import.
- getNumberOfProcessedFacts() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of facts that were processed during the import.
- getNumberOfProcessedRules() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of rules that were processed during the import.
- getNumberOfQueryAnswers() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns the number of individual answers that the query produced: answers returned with multiplicity more than one are counted just once.
- getNumberOfRoles() - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Returns the number of roles currently present in the server.
- getNumberOfSubComponents() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ComponentInfo
Returns the number of sub-components.
- getNumberOfTables() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceInfo
Returns the number of data source tables in this data source.
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the number of threads that the server uses for various tasks such as reasoning and data importation.
- getNumberOfWarnings() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the number of warnings that were reported during the import.
- getObject() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.PathPattern
- getObject() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- getOffset() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getOrderBy() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getParameters() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceInfo
Returns the parameters of the data source.
- getParameters() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the parameters that the data store was created with.
- getParameters() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
Returns the parameters of the data store.
- getParameters() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the parameters that the server was created with.
- getParameters() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatisticsInfo
Returns the parameters that govern how the statistics have been created.
- getParameters() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
Returns the creation parameters of the tuple table.
- getPath() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
Returns the path to the query answer.
- getPath() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath
- getPath() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.InversePath
- getPathCountType() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath
- getPaths() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.SequencePath
- getPredicate() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.PathPattern
- getPredicate() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- getPrefixes() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the prefixes of the data store.
- getPrefixes() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
Returns the set of prefixes at the end of the import process.
- getPrefixIRIsByPrefixName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- getPropertyValues() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ComponentInfo
Return the property values of this component.
- getQuery() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the query of a delta query.
- getQueryBody() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.ConstructQuery
- getQueryBody() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- getQueryBody() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- getRDFoxGitSHA() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the string containing the Git SHA identifying the precise version of the RDFox instance code.
- getRDFoxVersion() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the version string of the RDFox instance.
- getResource() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath.NegatedPath
- getResource() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.ResourcePath
- getResource(int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the resource by for the given index in the current answer row.
- getResourceValue(int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Returns the resource bound to the given index in the current answer row.
- getRolePasswordHash(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the password hash for the given role name.
- getRule() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
Returns the rule in question.
- getScalarValues() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- getSecond() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Pair
Returns the second element of the pair.
- getSelection() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- getServerVersion() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the current server version.
- getSilent() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- getSilent() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.LoadUpdate
- getSnapshotsMaxSize() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the snapshots max size of a delta query.
- getSortOrder() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.OrderCondition
- getSourceGraph() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- getSourceGraphSpecification() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- getSourceIRI() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.LoadUpdate
- getStatementTypeSupportsDeletions() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns a boolean indicating whether the statement type supports deletions.
- getStatementTypeSupportsInsertions() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns a boolean indicating whether the statement type supports insertions.
- getStatementTypeSupportsUserQuery() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns a boolean indicating whether the statement type supports a query body.
- getSubComponent(int) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ComponentInfo
Returns information about sub-component.
- getSubject() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.PathPattern
- getSubject() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- getTargetGraph() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- getTargetGraph() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.LoadUpdate
- getTargetGraphSpecification() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- getTotalNumberOfQueryAnswers() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
Returns the total number of answers to a query and is equal to the sum of the multiplicities of all answers.
- getTransactionState() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the state of the transaction associated with this connection.
- getTupleTableName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- getTupleTableName() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- getType() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
Returns the type of a tuple table.
- getUniqueID() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns a string that uniquely identifies the data store.
- getUniqueID() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
Returns the data store unique ID.
- getUniqueID() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
Returns the unique ID of a delta query.
- getUpdateType() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.LoadUpdate
- getValue() - Method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.UpdateType
Returns an integer that uniquely identifies this update type.
- getValuesPattern() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getVariable() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.GroupCondition
- getVariable() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery.SelectionPair
- getVariables() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ValuesPattern
- getWherePattern() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- getWith() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- GIVEN - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification
- grantPrivileges(String, String, byte) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Grants privileges over a resource specifier to a role.
- grantRole(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Grants the membership of a role in another role.
- GraphPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- GraphUpdate - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- GREATER_EQUAL_THAN - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- greaterEqualThan(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- greaterThan(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- GroupCondition(Expression, Variable) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.GroupCondition
- GroupGraphPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- GroupGraphPattern() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.GroupGraphPattern
- hasAggregation() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
Returns true if the rule contains aggregation in the body.
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataSourceTableInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryInfo
- hashCode() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Pair
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatisticsInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
- hasMoreStatements() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- hasNegation() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
Returns true if the rule contains negation in the body.
- IDIV - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- importAxiomsFromTriples(ResourceValue, boolean, ResourceValue, UpdateType) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Parses the given source graph into OWL axioms, and imports the axioms into the destination graph.
- importAxiomsFromTriples(ResourceValue, boolean, ResourceValue, UpdateType, ImportNotificationMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Parses the given source graph into OWL axioms, and imports the axioms into the destination graph.
- importData(ResourceValue, UpdateType, File) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data from the given file into the current data store.
- importData(ResourceValue, UpdateType, InputStream) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data from the given input stream into the current data store.
- importData(ResourceValue, UpdateType, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data from the given string into the current data store.
- importData(ResourceValue, UpdateType, Collection<InputSourceFactory>, String, ImportNotificationMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data described by the given input source factories into the current data store.
- importData(ResourceValue, UpdateType, InputSourceFactory, String, ImportNotificationMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data described by the given input source factory into the current data store Triples in the default graph will be put into the named graph specified using the
parameter. - importData(UpdateType, File) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data from the given file into the current data store.
- importData(UpdateType, InputStream) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data from the given input stream into the current data store.
- importData(UpdateType, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data from the given string into the current data store.
- importData(UpdateType, Collection<InputSourceFactory>, String, ImportNotificationMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data described by the given input source factories into the current data store.
- importData(UpdateType, InputSourceFactory, String, ImportNotificationMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Imports the data described by the given input source factory into the current data store.
- importJobFinished(int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor
Called when the importation of a data source finishes.
- importJobStarted(int, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor
Called when the importation of a data source starts.
- importNotification(int, ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationType, long, long, String, long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor
Called when an error or a warning is encountered.
- ImportNotificationMonitor - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
This callback interface can be passed to a
to receive errors and warnings during import. - ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Determines how to proceed after a notification.
- ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Determines the type of a notification.
- importProcessFinished(ImportResult) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor
Called at the end of importation to notify the monitor about the results.
- importProcessStarted() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor
Called at the beginning of importation to allow the monitor to prepare any data structures it might need.
- ImportResult - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Summarises the result of data import.
- ImportResult(boolean, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, Prefixes) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportResult
- Individual - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- Individual() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Individual
- initialize(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Initializes the server instance in the specified server directory using the supplied server parameters.
- initialize(Key) - Method in class
Initializes the cipher with the provided key and reads the initialization vector from the input stream.
- initialize(Key) - Method in class
Initializes the cipher with the provided key and writes the initialization vector to the output stream.
- InputConsumer - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats
- InputSourceFactory - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a source that can be imported into RDFox.
- interrupt() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Tries to interrupt an operation that is running in parallel on this connection.
- interrupt() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Tries to interrupt an operation that is running in parallel on this connection.
- INVALID_DATATYPE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- INVALID_PREFIX_NAME - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DeclareResult
- InversePath - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- IRI - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- IRI_REFERENCE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- isAddedByAxioms() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
Returns true if the rule has been added implicitly as a result of adding OWL axioms.
- isAddedByUser() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
Returns true if the rule has been explicitly added by the user.
- isAddedInternally() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
Returns true if the rule has been added internally by RDFox — that is, whether it has been added implicitly, rather than explicitly by the user.
- isDataStoreOnline(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Checks whether the data store with the given name is online
- isInverted() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath.NegatedPath
- isMemberOf(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Checks whether the given role is a member of another super-role.
- isOnline() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
if the data store is online. - isPersistent() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
if the data store is persistent. - isPersistent() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreInfo
if the data store is persistent. - isPrintedAsFunction() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- isValid() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- isValidPrefixName(CharSequence) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- JRDFoxException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This is a top-level exception for RDFox.
- JRDFoxException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.JRDFoxException
- JRDFoxException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.JRDFoxException
- JRDFoxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.JRDFoxException
- LaggingReplicationException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an operation cannot be completed because of pending changes from other replicas.
- LaggingReplicationException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LaggingReplicationException
- LaggingReplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LaggingReplicationException
- LaggingReplicationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LaggingReplicationException
- LESS_EQUAL_THAN - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- LESS_THAN - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- lessEqualThan(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- lessThan(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- LicenseException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when a server cannot find a valid license.
- LicenseException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LicenseException
- LicenseException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LicenseException
- LicenseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LicenseException
- listDataSources() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the list of data sources currently present in the data store.
- listDataSourceTables(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about the data source tables of the specified data source in the data store.
- listDataStores() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the list of data stores available at the connected server.
- listDeltaQueries() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about the delta queries currently registered with the data store.
- listDeltaQueryAnswers(Optional<String>, Optional<Long>, Optional<Long>, Optional<DeltaQueryAnswerType>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Lists the delta query answers that match the specified delta query name, the data store version range, and delta query answer type.
- listPrivileges(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Lists the privileges of a given role.
- listRoleMembers(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Lists the roles that are members of the given role.
- listRoleMemberships(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Lists the roles that the given role is a member of.
- listRoles() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Returns the list of all roles available at the server.
- listRules() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the information about the rules currently loaded into the data store.
- listStatistics() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns information about all statistics currently managed by the data store.
- listTupleTables() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Returns the list of tuple tables currently present in the data store.
- Literal - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat(String, File, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Loads a data store with the given name from a file containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
- loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat(String, InputStream, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Loads a data store with the given name from an input stream containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
- loadRDFoxNativeLibraryFromAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Loads the RDFox native library from the file with the given name using
. - loadRDFoxNativeLibraryFromDefaultPath(String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Loads the RDFox native library with the given library name using the
method. - LoadUpdate - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- LockTimeoutException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when a lock on a data store must be acquired in order to fulfil a request, but the lock acquisition times out.
- LockTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LockTimeoutException
- LockTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LockTimeoutException
- LockTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.LockTimeoutException
- LogicAdapter<E> - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic
- LogicAdapter() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- LOGICAL_AND - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- LOGICAL_NOT - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- LOGICAL_OR - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- logicalAnd(List<Expression>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- logicalAnd(Expression...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- logicalNot(Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- logicalOr(List<Expression>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- logicalOr(Expression...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- LogicObject - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic
- LogicObject() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicObject
- LogicVisitor<E> - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic
- LogicWalker - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic
- LogicWalker() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- MEMORY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableType
Type marker for a tuple table that stores facts in memory.
- MinusPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- MOD - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- MOVE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
- multiply(List<Expression>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- multiply(Expression...) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- NAMED - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification
- NegatedPath(Resource, Boolean) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath.NegatedPath
- Negation - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- NegativePath - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- NegativePath.NegatedPath - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- newDataStoreConnection(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Creates a connection to the data store of this server with the given name.
- newDataStoreConnection(String, String, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Creates a new connection to a data store at the server.
- newInputSourceFactory(File) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Creates an input source that provides data to RDFox by reading the specified file.
- newInputSourceFactory(File, String, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Creates an input source that provides data to RDFox by reading the specified encrypted file.
- newInputSourceFactory(String, String, InputStream) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Creates an input source that provides data to RDFox by reading the specified input stream.
- newInputSourceFactory(String, String, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Creates an input source that provides data to RDFox by reading the specified string.
- newInputSourceFactory(URI) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Creates an input source that provides data to RDFox by reading the specified URI.
- newInputSourceFactory(URL) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.InputSourceFactory
Creates an input source that provides data to RDFox by reading the specified URL.
- newServerConnection(String, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Creates a new connection to the RDFox server.
- NO_CHANGE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DeclareResult
- NO_PREFIX_NAME - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DecodeResult
- NONE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.PasswordSpecificationType
The password parameter is empty, indicating the role should not have a password.
- NONE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionState
Specifies that no transaction is currently associated with this connection.
- NOT_EQUAL - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- notEqual(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- NOTHING - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- NUMERIC_UNARY_MINUS - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- NUMERIC_UNARY_PLUS - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- numericUnaryMinus(Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- numericUnaryPlus(Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- OfflineRequestResult - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Describes the result of a request to bring a data store offline.
- ONE_OR_ANY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath.PathCountType
- open() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Opens the cursor and positions it to the first tuple.
- open(long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Opens the cursor and positions it to the tuple with the given offset.
- OperationInterruptedException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an operation on a
is interrupted using theinterrupt()
method. - OperationInterruptedException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.OperationInterruptedException
- OperationInterruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.OperationInterruptedException
- OperationInterruptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.OperationInterruptedException
- OptionalPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- OrderCondition(QueryBody.SortOrder, Expression) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.OrderCondition
- Pair<Type1,Type2> - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Represents a pair of two objects of arbitrary types.
- parse(InputConsumer) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.DatalogParser
- parse(Prefixes, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- parse(Prefixes, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.Query
- parse(Prefixes, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.Statement
- parse(Prefixes, String) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.Update
- parseNextStatement() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- parseRule() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.DatalogParser
- parseSingleQuery() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- parseSingleStatement() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- parseSingleUpdate() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- parseTupleTableAtom() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.DatalogParser
- ParsingException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an error during parsing occurs.
- ParsingException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ParsingException
- ParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ParsingException
- ParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ParsingException
- PASSWORD - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.PasswordSpecificationType
The password parameter contains the clear text password.
- PASSWORD_HASH - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.PasswordSpecificationType
The password parameter contains an Argon2i hash of the password.
- PasswordSpecificationType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Describes the content of the password parameter supplied for a role creation operation.
- Path - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- Path() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.Path
- PathPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- PREFIX_NAME_NOT_BOUND - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DecodeResult
- PrefixData(String, String) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.PrefixData
- Prefixes - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox
- Prefixes() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- Prefixes(Prefixes) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- PREFIXES - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- Prefixes.DeclareResult - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox
- Prefixes.DecodeResult - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox
- Prefixes.PrefixData - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox
- prefixExists(String) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- processQueryAnswer(List<ResourceValue>, long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.QueryAnswerMonitor
Called for each query answer.
- quad(Term, Term, Term, Term) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- QUADS - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- Query - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- QUERY_NO_LIMIT - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- QUERY_NO_OFFSET - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- QueryAnswerMonitor - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
This callback interface can be passed to a
along with a query to receive query answers as they are processed. - queryAnswersFinished() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.QueryAnswerMonitor
Called after all query answers have been processed.
- queryAnswersStarted(Prefixes, String[]) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.QueryAnswerMonitor
Called at the start of query answering.
- QueryBody - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- QueryBody.GroupCondition - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- QueryBody.OrderCondition - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- QueryBody.SortOrder - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- QueryCompilationException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an error during query compilation occurs.
- QueryCompilationException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.QueryCompilationException
- QueryCompilationException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.QueryCompilationException
- QueryCompilationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.QueryCompilationException
- QueryPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- QueryPattern() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.QueryPattern
- RAW - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.BinaryDataStoreFormat
The raw format that closely follows the structure in which the data is stored in memory and thus allows restoring exactly the same state of a data store.
- RDF_FIRST - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- RDF_NIL - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- RDF_PLAIN_LITERAL - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- RDF_PLAIN_LITERAL - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- RDF_REST - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- RDF_TYPE - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- RDFoxServer - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Provides ways to manage the server instance and create connections.
- RDFoxServer() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
- RDFoxServer.InstanceState - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Describes the state of an RDFox instance in a given server directory.
- RDFS_LITERAL - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- RDFS_LITERAL - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- read() - Method in class
Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.
- READ_ONLY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionState
Specifies that a read-only transaction is currently associated with this connection.
- READ_ONLY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionType
Identifies a read-only transaction.
- READ_WRITE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionState
Specifies that a read/write transaction is currently associated with this connection.
- READ_WRITE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionType
Identifies a read/write transaction.
- READY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer.InstanceState
Indicates that the instance is ready and the server can be started.
- recompile() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Recompiles the rules and commit procedure using the currently available statistics.
- recomputeMaterialization() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Recomputes the materialization from scratch — that is, deletes all derived facts and applies all rules as if the data had just been freshly imported.
- registerDataSource(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Registers a data source with a data store.
- registerDeltaQuery(String, String, String, int, int, int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Registers a delta query with a data store.
- registerDeltaQuery(String, Query, String, int, int, int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Registers a delta query with a data store.
- REPLACED_EXISTING - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DeclareResult
- reportError(int, int, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.InputConsumer
- REQUIRES_UPGRADE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer.InstanceState
Indicates that the instance must be upgraded before it can be used.
- requiresIncrementalReasoning() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
if the next data store update must be performed using incremental reasoning (rather than standard using the standard datalog materialization "from scratch" algorithm). - Resource - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- Resource() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Resource
- ResourceInUseException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to modify a resource that is currently used elsewhere.
- ResourceInUseException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ResourceInUseException
- ResourceInUseException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ResourceInUseException
- ResourceInUseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.ResourceInUseException
- ResourcePath - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- ResourceValue - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
- revokePrivileges(String, String, byte) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Revokes privileges over a resource specifier from a role.
- revokeRole(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Revokes the membership of a role in another role.
- rollbackTransaction() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Rolls back the transaction associated with this connection.
- Rule - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- RuleCompilationException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an error during rule compilation occurs.
- RuleCompilationException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.RuleCompilationException
- RuleCompilationException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.RuleCompilationException
- RuleCompilationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.RuleCompilationException
- RuleInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a rule in the data store.
- RuleInfo(Rule, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RuleInfo
- RULES - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStorePart
- s_defaultPrefixes - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- s_emptyPrefixes - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- s_firstErrorExceptionMonitor - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor
Provides a default implementation of an import monitor that throws an exception upon first error notification.
- s_nullMonitor - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor
Provides a default implementation of an import monitor that ignores all notifications.
- SAME_AS - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(String, File, String, String, BinaryDataStoreFormat) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Saves a data store into the specified binary format.
- saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(String, File, String, String, BinaryDataStoreFormat, DataStoreOperationStartMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Saves a data store into the specified binary format if the validation of the operation passes.
- saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(String, OutputStream, String, String, BinaryDataStoreFormat) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Saves a data store into the specified binary format.
- saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(String, OutputStream, String, String, BinaryDataStoreFormat, DataStoreOperationStartMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Saves a data store into the specified binary format if the validation of the operation passes.
- ScalarValue(String, String) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall.ScalarValue
- SELECT_QUERY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.CursorType
The cursor was obtained from a SELECT query.
- SelectionPair(Expression, Variable) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery.SelectionPair
- SelectQuery - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- SelectQuery.SelectionPair - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- SequencePath - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- ServerConnection - Interface in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates a connection to an RDFox server.
- setCommitProcedure(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Sets the data store's commit procedure.
- setCommitProcedure(List<Update>) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Sets the data store's commit procedure.
- setDataStoreOperationStartMonitor(DataStoreOperationStartMonitor) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Sets a callback interface that will be called whenever an operation starts on this data store connection.
- setDataStoreProperty(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Sets the specified property of the data store to the given value.
- setDeltaQueryEvaluationMode(String, DeltaQueryEvaluationMode) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Deregisters the delta query with the specified name from the data store.
- setLimit(long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- setLockTimeout(long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Sets the time in milliseconds that the system will wait for when it needs to acquire a lock on a data store.
- setMaxMemoryUse(long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Sets the maximum amount of memory that RDFox is allowed to use.
- setNumberOfThreads(int) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ServerConnection
Sets the number of threads that the server should use for various tasks such as reasoning and data importation.
- setOffset(long) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- setPrefix(String, String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Sets the given prefix name to the given prefix IRI in the collection of the data store prefixes.
- setPrefixes(Prefixes) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Replaces all mappings of the prefix names to IRIs maintained by the data store to the collection given in the argument.
- setValuesPattern(ValuesPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- setWherePattern(GroupGraphPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- SHACL - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- SHACL_DD - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- SHACL_DN - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- SHACL_ND - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- SHACL_NN - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- SHORTEST - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ExplanationType
One shortest way to derive a target fact is returned.
- SKIP_REST_OF_INPUT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction
The rest of the current input should be skipped, but other inputs should be processed if possible.
- SKOLEM - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- SNAPSHOT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerType
The answer provides a snapshot of the delta query results.
- SNAPSHOT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryEvaluationMode
The evaluation mode that generates a snapshot of the delta query answers.
- SPARQLParser - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats
- SPARQLParser(Prefixes, InputStream) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- SPARQLParser(Prefixes, Reader) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- SPARQLParser(Prefixes, InputSource) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.SPARQLParser
- STANDARD - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.BinaryDataStoreFormat
The standard binary format is more resilient to changes between RDFox versions, and it supports transferring data between data stores of different type.
- start() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.InputConsumer
- start(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Starts the server using the supplied parameters and returns the number of data stores in the server (or -1 is the server is already running).
- Statement - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- Statement() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.Statement
- StatementResult - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Summarises the result of statement evaluation.
- StatementResult(boolean, long, long, boolean, long, long, boolean, long, long) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatementResult
- StatisticsInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a statistics module of a data store.
- StatisticsInfo(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.StatisticsInfo
- stop() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.Cursor
Stops this iterator by releasing all resources that the cursor might hold.
- stop() - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Stops the server, or does nothing if the server is not running.
- STOP_IMPORT_NO_EXCEPTION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction
Importation should be stopped but no exception should be thrown.
- STOP_IMPORT_WITH_EXCEPTION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction
Importation should be stopped and an exception describing the current notification should be thrown.
- SubselectPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- subtract(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- SUBTRACT - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- SUCCESS - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.OfflineRequestResult
A request to bring a data store offline succeeded.
- SUCCESSFUL - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DecodeResult
- SystemCallException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when a system call throws an exception.
- SystemCallException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.SystemCallException
- SystemCallException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.SystemCallException
- SystemCallException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.SystemCallException
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats
- - package
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement - package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- Term - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- Term() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Term
- THING - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- TO_EXPLICIT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ExplanationType
All possible ways to derive a target fact from the explicitly given facts are returned.
- TOP_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- TOP_OBJECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- toResource() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- toString() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- toString() - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicObject
- toString(Prefixes) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- toString(Prefixes) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicObject
- toString(Prefixes, StringBuilder) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicObject
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Aggregate
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.BindAtom
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.FilterAtom
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Negation
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.Rule
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableName
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.BlankNode
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.ExistenceExpression
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.FunctionCall
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.IRI
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Variable
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicObject
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.AlternativePath
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.InversePath
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.NegativePath
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.ResourcePath
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.SequencePath
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.BindPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ConjunctionPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.DisjunctionPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.FilterPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.GraphPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.MinusPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.OptionalPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.PathPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.SubselectPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TriplePattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.TupleTablePattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern.ValuesPattern
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.ConstructQuery
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.DeleteInsertUpdate
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.LoadUpdate
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.SelectQuery
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>, boolean) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody
- toString(Prefixes, Consumer<String>, String, Datatype) - Static method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- transactionRequiresRollback() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
if a transaction is active on this connection and this transaction must be rolled back (i.e., it cannot be committed). - TransactionState - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Describes the state of the transaction associated with a data store connection.
- TransactionType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Determines the type of a transaction on a data store.
- triple(Term, Term, Term) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog.TupleTableAtom
- TriplePattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- TupleTableAtom - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- TupleTableInfo - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Encapsulates information about a tuple table.
- TupleTableInfo(String, TupleTableType, int, int, int, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableInfo
- TupleTableName - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.datalog
- TupleTablePattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- TupleTableType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Specifies the type of a tuple table.
- TurtleTriGWriter - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats
A class for writing RDF triples and quads in the Turtle and TriG formats.
- TurtleTriGWriter(Prefixes, OutputStream) - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.TurtleTriGWriter
Creates a new TurtleTriGWriter object that writes to the specified output stream.
- undeclarePrefix(String) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes
- UNDEF - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ResourceValue
- UNDEF - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- UNINITIALIZED - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer.InstanceState
Indicates that the instance has not been initialized.
- UnknownResourceException - Exception in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to access a resource that does not exist.
- UnknownResourceException() - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.UnknownResourceException
- UnknownResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.UnknownResourceException
- UnknownResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions.UnknownResourceException
- unsetPrefix(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Removes the mapping of the given prefix name in the collection of the data store prefixes.
- Update - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement
- Update() - Constructor for class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.Update
- updateMaterialization() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Updates the materialization so that all and only the consequences of the explicitly stated facts and the rules are derived.
- updateStatistics() - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Updates all statistics that the data store uses to plan queries and rules.
- updateStatistics(String) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Updates the statistics with the given name that the data store uses to plan queries and rules.
- UpdateType - Enum in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Specifies whether an update operation involves adding or deleting rules/facts.
- upgrade(String, String, OutputStream) - Static method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer
Upgrades the server instance in the specified server directory to the version used by this RDFox version.
- value(short) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- value(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.BinaryDataStoreFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.CursorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryEvaluationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ExplanationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.OfflineRequestResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.PasswordSpecificationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer.InstanceState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.UpdateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath.PathCountType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DeclareResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DecodeResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.BinaryDataStoreFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.CursorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryAnswerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DeltaQueryEvaluationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ExplanationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.OfflineRequestResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.PasswordSpecificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.RDFoxServer.InstanceState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TransactionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.TupleTableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.UpdateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath.PathCountType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphSpecification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.GraphUpdate.GraphUpdateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.statement.QueryBody.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DeclareResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.Prefixes.DecodeResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- ValuesPattern - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.pattern
- Variable - Class in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression
- visit(Aggregate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(Aggregate) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(Aggregate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(BindAtom) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(BindAtom) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(BindAtom) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(FilterAtom) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(FilterAtom) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(FilterAtom) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(Negation) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(Negation) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(Negation) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(Rule) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(Rule) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(Rule) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(TupleTableAtom) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(TupleTableAtom) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(TupleTableAtom) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(TupleTableName) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(TupleTableName) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(TupleTableName) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(BlankNode) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(BlankNode) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(BlankNode) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(ExistenceExpression) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(ExistenceExpression) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(ExistenceExpression) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(FunctionCall) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(FunctionCall) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(FunctionCall) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(IRI) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(IRI) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(IRI) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(Literal) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(Literal) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(Literal) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(Variable) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(Variable) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(Variable) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(AlternativePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(AlternativePath) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(AlternativePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(CountingPath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(CountingPath) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(CountingPath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(InversePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(InversePath) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(InversePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(NegativePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(NegativePath) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(NegativePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(ResourcePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(ResourcePath) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(ResourcePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(SequencePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(SequencePath) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(SequencePath) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(BindPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(BindPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(BindPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(ConjunctionPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(ConjunctionPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(ConjunctionPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(DisjunctionPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(DisjunctionPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(DisjunctionPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(FilterPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(FilterPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(FilterPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(GraphPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(GraphPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(GraphPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(MinusPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(MinusPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(MinusPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(OptionalPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(OptionalPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(OptionalPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(PathPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(PathPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(PathPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(SubselectPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(SubselectPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(SubselectPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(TriplePattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(TriplePattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(TriplePattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(TupleTablePattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(TupleTablePattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(TupleTablePattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(ValuesPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(ValuesPattern) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(ValuesPattern) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(ConstructQuery) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(ConstructQuery) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(ConstructQuery) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(DeleteInsertUpdate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(DeleteInsertUpdate) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(DeleteInsertUpdate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(GraphUpdate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(GraphUpdate) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(GraphUpdate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(LoadUpdate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(LoadUpdate) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(LoadUpdate) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- visit(SelectQuery) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicAdapter
- visit(SelectQuery) - Method in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicVisitor
- visit(SelectQuery) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.LogicWalker
- WAIT_FOREVER - Static variable in interface tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.DataStoreConnection
Specifies that the system should wait forever when it needs to acquire a lock on a data store (see
). - WARNING - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationType
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte array to the output stream.
- write(int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte to the output stream.
- writeQuad(Resource, Resource, Resource, Resource) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.TurtleTriGWriter
Writes an RDF quad to the output stream.
- writeTriple(Resource, Resource, Resource) - Method in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats.TurtleTriGWriter
Writes an RDF triple to the output stream.
- XSD_ANY_URI - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_BOOLEAN - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_BYTE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_DATE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_DATE_TIME - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_DATE_TIME_STAMP - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_DAY_TIME_DURATION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_DECIMAL - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_DOUBLE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_DURATION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_FLOAT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_G_DAY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_G_MONTH - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_G_MONTH_DAY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_G_YEAR - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_G_YEAR_MONTH - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_INT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_INTEGER - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_LONG - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_NEGATIVE_INTEGER - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_POSITIVE_INTEGER - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_SHORT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_STRING - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_STRING - Static variable in class tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.expression.Literal
- XSD_TIME - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_UNSIGNED_BYTE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_UNSIGNED_INT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_UNSIGNED_LONG - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_UNSIGNED_SHORT - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- XSD_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.Datatype
- ZERO_OR_ANY - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath.PathCountType
- ZERO_OR_ONE - tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.logic.sparql.path.CountingPath.PathCountType
All Classes All Packages