AuthenticationException |
This exception is thrown when an authentication request fails (e.g., when the system is presented with an
invalid combination of a role name and password).
AuthorizationException |
This exception is thrown when a specified user is not authorised to perform a particular
action on a resource (e.g., when a user attempts to change a data store for which they
have only read-only access).
ConstraintViolationException |
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to commit a transaction
in which the default RDF graph contains at least one instance of the class .
CursorAdvanceException |
This exception is thrown when Cursor.advance() is called
and the cursor was not opened earlier, or the data store has changed
since was called.
CursorNoLongerUsableException |
This exception is thrown when a method of Cursor is
called but the data store has changed in a way that prevents this
cursor from being used any more.
DeltaQueryCompilationException |
This exception is thrown when an error during rule compilation occurs.
DuplicateResourceException |
This exception is thrown when a client tries to create a resource that already exists.
JRDFoxException |
This is a top-level exception for RDFox.
LaggingReplicationException |
This exception is thrown when an operation cannot be completed because
of pending changes from other replicas.
LicenseException |
This exception is thrown when a server cannot find a valid license.
LockTimeoutException |
This exception is thrown when a lock on a data store must be acquired in order to fulfil a request,
but the lock acquisition times out.
OperationInterruptedException |
ParsingException |
This exception is thrown when an error during parsing occurs.
QueryCompilationException |
This exception is thrown when an error during query compilation occurs.
ResourceInUseException |
This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to modify a resource that is currently used elsewhere.
RuleCompilationException |
This exception is thrown when an error during rule compilation occurs.
SystemCallException |
This exception is thrown when a system call throws an exception.
UnknownResourceException |
This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to access a resource that does not exist.