Package tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client
Interface Summary Interface Description Cursor Provides access to the results of a query.DataStoreConnection Encapsulates a connection to an RDFox data store.DataStoreOperationStartMonitor An instance of this callback interface can be set on to aDataStoreConnection
to intercept starting of operations on the data store connection.ImportNotificationMonitor This callback interface can be passed to aDataStoreConnection
to receive errors and warnings during import.Pair<Type1,Type2> Represents a pair of two objects of arbitrary types.QueryAnswerMonitor This callback interface can be passed to aDataStoreConnection
along with a query to receive query answers as they are processed.ResourceValue ServerConnection Encapsulates a connection to an RDFox server. -
Class Summary Class Description ComponentInfo Encapsulates information about a component of the data store.DataSourceInfo Encapsulates information about a data source.DataSourceTableInfo Encapsulates information about a data source table.DataStoreInfo Encapsulates information about a data store.DataStorePart Describes a part of the data store.DeltaQueryAnswerInfo Represents the answer information to a delta query.DeltaQueryInfo Encapsulates information about a delta query.ImportResult Summarises the result of data import.InputSourceFactory Encapsulates information about a source that can be imported into RDFox.RDFoxServer Provides ways to manage the server instance and create connections.RuleInfo Encapsulates information about a rule in the data store.StatementResult Summarises the result of statement evaluation.StatisticsInfo Encapsulates information about a statistics module of a data store.TupleTableInfo Encapsulates information about a tuple table. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BinaryDataStoreFormat Identities the binary format of a data store file.CursorType Determines the type of query that a cursor was obtained from.DeltaQueryAnswerType Describes the type of answer returned by a delta query.DeltaQueryEvaluationMode Describes the mode of evaluation of a delta query.ExplanationType Determines the type of explanation that should be produced by a data store connection.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationAction Determines how to proceed after a notification.ImportNotificationMonitor.NotificationType Determines the type of a notification.OfflineRequestResult Describes the result of a request to bring a data store offline.PasswordSpecificationType Describes the content of the password parameter supplied for a role creation operation.RDFoxServer.InstanceState Describes the state of an RDFox instance in a given server directory.TransactionState Describes the state of the transaction associated with a data store connection.TransactionType Determines the type of a transaction on a data store.TupleTableType Specifies the type of a tuple table.UpdateType Specifies whether an update operation involves adding or deleting rules/facts.