Warning: This document is for an old version of RDFox. The latest version is 7.2.

19. RDFox Endpoint

The RDFox Endpoint provides REST access to the process’s RDFox server (see Section 4) and also serves the HTML, JavaScript and other static assets for the RDFox Console. For a description of the RDFox REST API, see Section 16.

19.1. Starting and Stopping the Endpoint

The endpoint can be started in the following ways:

  • By launching the RDFox process in daemon mode (see Section 18).

  • By issuing endpoint start within the RDFox shell (see Section 15.2.16). When started in this manner, the endpoint accesses the same RDFox server as the shell, so the effects of any commands that affect the state of the server (e.g., dstore create) will be immediately visible on the endpoint.

The endpoint can be stopped in the shell by issuing endpoint stop. Processes running in daemon mode (where there is no active instance of the shell) can be stopped by sending them a SIGINT (for example with Ctrl-C) or SIGTERM signal .

19.2. Endpoint Parameters

The configuration of the endpoint is determined by the parameters below.

  • port determines the port at which the endpoint is started. The port can be specified as a verbatim port number or as a TCP service name. The default is 12110. For legacy reasons, the port can also be specified using service-name; moreover, if both options are present, then port takes precedence.

  • num-threads determines the number of threads that endpoint will use to process RESTful requests. The default value is one less than the number of logical processors of the machine on which RDFox is run.

  • channel-timeout determines the length of time that the endpoint will wait for I/O while servicing HTTP(S) requests. That is, if the endpoint tries to read from or write to the TCP connection, the respective I/O will wait for for the specified duration before giving up. This option ensures endpoint resilience in the face of slow or buggy HTTP(S) clients. See Section 4.3.2 for the accepted values for this parameter. The unlimited setting may be used but should be reserved for those cases where there are valid reasons for I/O operations to take a long time and clients are known to be correct. The default value is 60 s.

  • max-idle-connections determines the maximum number of connections to the server that can be idle at any point in time. Once this limit is exceeded, RDFox endpoint will close all idle connections (even those that have been idle for less than connection-keep-alive-time) in order to free resources and thus provide uninterrupted service to users. For this option to be effective, it should be set to some value lower than the maximum number of file descriptors for the RDFox process. On Window, the default value for this parameter is 1024. On Linux and macOS, the default value is set to 90% of the maximum number of file descriptors for the server process.

  • connection-keep-alive-time determines the maximum time that an HTTP connection will be kept open between requests. That is, if a client opens a TCP connection to the endpoint and makes a request, the server will wait for the specified amount of time to receive another request on this connection; if no request is issued in the specified time, the server will close the connection. See Section 4.3.2 for the accepted values for this parameter. The unlimited setting may not be used. The value of 0 means that the server should close the TCP connection after every request. The default value is 90 s.

  • listening-backlog determines the TCP listening backlog for the socket accepting the connection. The default value is 10.

  • receive-buffer and send-buffer determine the sizes in bytes of the receive and send buffers for the sockets servicing the requests. The default values are zero, which means that the system will determine the buffer sizes depending on the properties of the connection. For more information, please refer to the SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF socket options.

  • lock-timeout specifies the maximum time the endpoint will wait to obtain a lock on a data store. If the lock cannot be obtained within the specified time, the endpoint will return HTTP status 423 - Locked. See Section 4.3.2 for the accepted values for this parameter which include the value unlimited. The default value for this parameter is 2 s.

  • object-keep-alive-time specifies the time for which the endpoint will keep cached cursors, connections or shells between requests. During its operation, the endpoint retains certain objects between requests either for performance reasons (e.g., the endpoint may cache cursors of partially evaluated queries) or to ensure its operation (e.g., the endpoint will maintain named server and data store connections). In order to prevent these objects from accumulating indefinitely, the endpoint will delete each object after it has not been used for the specified amount of time. See Section 4.3.2 for the accepted values for this parameter. The unlimited setting may not be used. The default value for this parameter is 60 s.

  • access-control-allow-origin configures the RDFox endpoint for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). When this option is set, RDFox will include, in response to CORS requests, all the headers necessary to allow cross-origin usage of the REST API by the specified origin or origins. The value * can be set to allow use of the REST API by any origin. Otherwise the value should be a space-delimited list of origins such as "https://example.org http://localhost:8080" to allow requests from just those origins. When this option is unset (the default), RDFox will not add any CORS headers to its responses.

  • protocol determines which network layer protocol the endpoint will use.

    • IPv4 means the endpoint will use Internet Protocol version 4.

    • IPv6 means the endpoint will use Internet Protocol version 6.

    • IPv6-v4 means the endpoint will use Internet Protocol version 6 if possible or Internet Protocol version 4 if not. This is the default value.

  • The following parameters determine the TLS configuration for the endpoint.

    • channel determines the connection type that the endpoint should use.

      • unsecure disables TLS, meaning that the endpoint will listen for HTTP connections (only). This is the default value.

      • ssl means the endpoint will listen for HTTPS connections (only). This option requires the OpenSSL package. See Section for more detail.

    • credentials specifies the server certificate and private key, and the intermediate certificates as a verbatim string in PEM format. The string must contain the server’s private key, the server’s certificate, and zero or more intermediate certificates. For example, this file could look as follows:

      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      ... server key ...
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      ... server certificate ...
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      ... 1st intermediate certificate ...
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      ... 2st intermediate certificate ...
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    • credentials-file specifies the name of the file that contains the credentials. The file content must have the same format as the credentials parameter.

    • credentials-passphrase provides the passphrase that can be used to decrypt the credentials in case they are encrypted. This parameter is optional.

    • min-secure-protocol determines the minimum protocol version that the server should use. The allowed values are ssl3, tls1, tls11, tls12, and tls13. The default value is tls12.

    • request-client-certificates specifies whether the server should request client certificates during TLS handshakes. See Section for more information.

    • trusted-root-certificate specifies a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate that should be trusted, in PEM format. This will be used in addition to the default trust anchors for the loaded OpenSSL library. See Section for more information.

    • trusted-root-certificate-file specifies the name of a file that contains the trusted root certificate. The file content must have the same format as the trusted-root-certificate parameter.

  • The following parameters determine the configuration for HTTP request logging (see also Section 20.2).

    • request-logger determines how each serviced HTTP request is logged. All logging goes to standard output.

      • none disables request logging. This is the default value.

      • clf enables request logging using the Common Log Format.

      • elf enables request logging using the Extended Log Format. The exact content of each log entry is determined by the elf-logger-fields parameter. Each log entry is limited to 10 KiB. Where an entry would exceed this limit, the elided fields are indicated with ....

    • request-logger.destination determines where the request log is written.

      • stdout means the request log is written to standard output. This is the default value.

      • directory means the request log is written to a file within the directory identified by the request-logger.directory parameter. The file name is determined automatically.

    • request-logger.directory determines the directory to which the request log is written. This parameter has no effect unless request-logger.destination is set to directory. If this parameter is unset but the RDFox server associated with the endpoint is configured to use a server directory, the logs will be written within the request-logs subdirectory of the server directory. If a directory is required by other settings but no directory is available, the endpoint will fail to start.

    • elf-logger-fields determines which fields are logged by the extended log format logger. This parameter has no effect unless request-logger is set to elf. The value for this parameter must be a space-delimited list of the following field identifiers: date, time, time-taken, c-ip, c-port, cs({HEADER}), cs-bytes, cs-method, cs-uri, cs-uri-query, cs-uri-stem, sc({HEADER}), sc-bytes, sc-status, x-role-name, x-protocol-error. The identifier x-role-name specifies the role name with which the request was made. The identifier x-protocol-error specifies the textual description of any exception raised due to a protocol error while handling an attempted request. All other identifiers have the meanings defined in the draft specification. The default value for this parameter is date time cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status sc-bytes time-taken.

  • The following parameters determine the configuration for time limits on the evaluation of SPARQL queries.

    • query-time-limit determines the maximum time that a request for query evaluation can take; if a query request is not completed in that time, query evaluation will be stopped. See Section 4.3.2 for the accepted values for this parameter. The unlimited setting may be used. The default value is 30 s.

    • allow-query-time-limit-override is a Boolean value specifying whether a query request can override the time limit on query evaluation. If this option is set to true or yes, then each query evaluation request can use the Query-Time-Limit header to specify the query time limit to be used for the current request. The value of the Query-Time-Limit header follows the same syntax as the query-time-limit endpoint parameter. The default value is false.

19.2.1. Specifying Endpoint Parameters

When the RDFox endpoint is started for a server that is configured to use a server directory, it will inspect that directory for a file named endpoint.params and, if the file is found, attempt to load endpoint parameters from it. The format of the file matches that for the server parameters file described in Section 4.3.1.

When launching the endpoint from the RDFox shell, parameters may additionally be set using shell variables. In this case, the parameter names should be prefixed with endpoint.. For example, to launch an endpoint listening on port 8080, the user would issue set endpoint.port 8080 before starting the endpoint with endpoint start. Parameters specified in this way take precedence over those loaded from the endpoint parameters file.

When launching daemon processes, parameters may additionally be specified by including them in the command line before the daemon mode specifier. In this case, the parameter names should be prefixed with a single dash (-). For example, to set the port parameter, the user might issue the following command:

RDFox -port 8080 daemon

Again, parameters specified in this way take precedence over those loaded from the endpoint parameters file.

19.2.2. Changing Endpoint Parameters

To change the configuration of the endpoint, the endpoint must be stopped and restarted with the updated set of parameters. When the endpoint was started from an RDFox shell, this can be achieved by first updating the endpoint parameters file and/or relevant shell variables, and then issuing endpoint stop followed by endpoint start. When the endpoint was started in daemon mode, this can be achieved by editing the endpoint parameters file and then sending SIGHUP to the process. Endpoint parameters that were specified on the command line take precedence over those loaded from the endpoint parameters file and cannot, therefore be changed in this way. Note also that this mechanism is not availabe on Windows systems which lack support for signals.

In all cases, stopping the endpoint will result in all clients being disconnected.