3. Getting Started¶
This page will guide you through running RDFox for the first time.
3.1. Setup¶
Before you begin, make sure that you have downloaded the latest RDFox release
for your system from www.oxfordsemantic.tech/downloads and unpacked it into a directory
of your choosing. The following instructions refer to the directory as
. You will also need to ensure that RDFox can find a
valid license key. The quickest way to do this is to add a copy of your license
key file directly to <working_directory>
(see Section 2.4.3
for other ways). If you do not have a license key file, you can request one at
The following small RDF graph in Turtle format is used in the instructions below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | @prefix : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> . :peter :forename "Peter" ; a :Person ; :marriedTo :lois ; :gender "male" . :lois :forename "Lois" ; a :Person ; :gender "female" . :meg :forename "Meg" ; a :Person ; :hasParent :lois, :peter ; :gender "female" . :chris :forename "Chris" ; a :Person ; :hasParent :peter ; :gender "male" . :stewie :forename "Stewie" ; a :Person ; :hasParent :lois ; :gender "male" . :brian :forename "Brian" . # Brian is a dog |
Download data.ttl
into <working_directory>
In a terminal, change to <working_directory>
and then launch the RDFox
shell as follows:
./RDFox sandbox
RDFox.exe sandbox
You should be presented with a command prompt where you can run any of the commands described in Section 16.2.2.
RDFox exposes a REST API which includes a SPARQL over HTTP endpoint. Start the endpoint with:
endpoint start
which will print the port number it is listening on.
The REST endpoint was successfully started at port number/service name 12110 with 7 threads.
The endpoint also serves a web-based console application that itself uses the REST API.
Continue the Getting Started tutorial with the shell (Section 3.2), the web console (Section 3.3) or the REST API (Section 3.4).
3.2. Getting Started with the Shell¶
Ensure all steps from the Setup chapter have been completed.
3.2.1. Creating a Data Store¶
All facts and rules in RDFox live inside a data store. Initially no data
stores exist so we must create one before we can load any triples. To create a
data store we use the dstore
command as follows:
dstore create family
The above command initializes our family
data store. To ensure that
subsequent shell commands address our new data store, we use the active
command to tell the shell to connect to the family
data store when running
commands that address a data store:
active family
3.2.2. Importing Data¶
Import the data.ttl in the <working_directory>
into the
active data store with:
import data.ttl
This command should report the time taken by the import and that 21 data items have been loaded from the file.
3.2.3. Running Queries¶
By default, RDFox does not specify where query answers must be sent. To instruct RDFox to print answers to the terminal, run the following command:
set output out
Define the :
prefix in the shell, to simplify several of the subsequent
commands, with:
PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/>
You are now ready to run your first query!
The primary query language recognized by RDFox is SPARQL. SPARQL queries can be typed or pasted directly into the shell.
Copy and paste the following SPARQL into the shell and hit enter to print all of the triples in the store:
SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
You should see a few lines beginning @prefix
followed by a blank line and
then the original 21 triples (facts) from data.ttl
. After the triples, a
summary of the number of answers returned and the time taken for the query is
Note that the Turtle snippet is in a slightly different format to the answers,
so the answers do not exactly match the file contents. Taking time now to
satisfy yourself that the query answers really do contain the same information
as data.ttl
will be a good way to gain familiarity with the Turtle syntax.
In addition, it helps to know that a single a
character in the predicate
position of a triple represents
which denotes an entity’s
type and will often appear as rdf:type
To demonstrate a simple conjunction, print each person’s forename:
SELECT ?p ?n WHERE { ?p rdf:type :Person . ?p :forename ?n }
Note that :brian
is not returned as this entity is not of type :Person
as required by the first part of the where
3.2.4. Inserting Data Using SPARQL¶
It is also possible to modify the contents of the data store via queries. For
example, make the :marriedTo
relationship symmetric:
INSERT { ?x :marriedTo ?y } WHERE { ?y :marriedTo ?x }
This adds one new triple to the data store reflecting the fact that Lois is
married to Peter, which was derived from the fact that Peter is married to
Lois. Rerunning the first SELECT
query from
Section 3.2.3 should now return 22
triples (use the up arrow key to step back through your command history to find
the first SELECT
3.2.5. Adding Rules¶
Reasoning is the ability to calculate the logical consequences of applying a
set of rules to a set of facts. To illustrate how this can be useful, consider
the calculation of the number of children for each parent. The above data has
the opposite information - i.e. only :hasParent
relationships - so
querying for :hasChild
, though more natural for our use case, will turn up
no results. We could remodel the data but this could make the phrasing of any
queries about parents less natural. We could add all the :hasChild
relationships as new facts in the Turtle file but the dataset would then have a
bunch of redundancy and we would need to make sure that we always add both
relationships together when we add new people to the dataset.
With reasoning we can have the best of both worlds. Keeping the original
dataset, we add a rule to state that if ?c
has a parent ?p
then ?p
has a child ?c
. RDFox can then determine all of the :hasChild
relationships itself - including for any new families that we add later on.
RDFox uses the Datalog language for expressing rules. The above rule can be added with the following command:
import ! [?p, :hasChild, ?c] :- [?c, :hasParent, ?p] .
To check that we now have some triples with :hasChild
as the predicate,
evaluate the following query:
SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }
Four results are returned, all of which have been added by RDFox by evaluating the rule defined above.
3.2.6. Deleting Facts¶
To check that the rule really is ‘live’, delete the triple that says
has :lois
as a parent by running:
DELETE DATA { :stewie :hasParent :lois }
Now re-query the triples using the :hasChild
property with:
SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }
and observe that the answer :lois :stewie .
, which was derived from the
combination of the rule we added and the fact we just deleted, no longer
3.2.7. Stopping and Re-starting RDFox¶
Shut down RDFox by typing the quit
command. Since RDFox is an in-memory
database, and because we started the process using the sandbox
which disables any form of persistence, the contents of the data store will be
dropped when the process exits. While experimenting with RDFox, it may
therefore be useful to write the commands to initialize the data store and load
data into a script which can be passed to RDFox at startup. The following
script repeats the whole of this tutorial. Save it to a new file
and then run it with ./RDFox sandbox .
(on Linux or Mac) or RDFox.exe sandbox . start
endpoint start
dstore create family
active family
import data.ttl
set output out
prefix : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/>
SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
SELECT ?p ?n WHERE { ?p rdf:type :Person . ?p :forename ?n }
INSERT { ?x :marriedTo ?y } WHERE { ?y :marriedTo ?x }
import ! [?p, :hasChild, ?c] :- [?c, :hasParent, ?p] .
SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }
DELETE DATA { :stewie :hasParent :lois }
SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }
For alternative ways of starting RDFox which do not disable persistence, see Section 16.
3.3. Getting Started with the Web Console¶
The console supports the creation, population and querying of RDFox data stores.
Ensure all steps from the Setup chapter have been completed.
Download the file symmetry.dlog
containing a single Datalog rule, which
specifies that the marriedTo
relationship is symmetric, to the same
as data.ttl
@prefix : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> .
[?b, :marriedTo, ?a] :- [?a, :marriedTo, ?b] .
Download: symmetry.dlog
In a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:12110/console/.
3.3.1. Creating a Data Store¶
Create the data store called family
by clicking on
the header to display a dialog, entering the name “family” in the text field,
and clicking the
button on the dialog. This creates, and
immediately selects, a data store of type
3.3.2. Importing Data¶
On successfully creating the data store, the console displays an option to
import data into the data store. Click to display the “Add
content” dialog.
Drag the data files data.ttl
and symmetry.dlog
from the
onto the dialog.
Click to confirm no further data files are to be added now, and to
proceed with the import.
A status report of the number of facts (21) and rules (1) added to the new data
store is displayed. Dismiss the report by clicking .
3.3.3. Running Queries¶
The newly created data store is automatically selected and so the SPARQL query editor is enabled. In the query editor pane, replace the default query:
PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> SELECT ?spouse1 ?spouse2 WHERE { ?spouse1 :marriedTo ?spouse2 } ORDER BY ?spouse1
Click to make the console run the query over REST and display the
answers. You should see:
3.3.4. Exploring a Data Store¶
Click the icon to the right of
to switch to the “Explore”
mode and visually explore the data store starting from that individual.
The dot icon in the upper right of the purple peter
node indicates that
there are links present in the data store that are not being visualized.
Right-click the node to display a context menu of the seven connections between
and other entities in this data store.
Select gender male
and lois marriedTo
from the menu and click “Update”.
The link to the literal male
is displayed, as is the link from
to lois
3.3.5. Deleting Data¶
The procedure for deleting of facts, axioms and rules is similar to that for adding data.
Click the button in the header and click the “Delete content” option.
The “Delete content” dialog allows facts, axioms and rules to be removed from
the selected data store. Drag the symmetry.dlog
file added earlier onto the dialog.
Click to remove the datalog rule from the active data store and
to dismiss the report.
Click in the header to return to the SPARQL view. Click
Because the rule has been removed from the
data store, the triple
added by that rule has been removed and so the same query returns a single
3.3.6. Deleting a Data Store¶
To delete the currently selected data store:
Click the button in the header and click the “Delete data store” option.
Click to confirm that the active data store and its contents will be
deleted. After
is deleted, no data store is selected.
3.4. Getting Started with the REST API¶
For remote use, RDFox exposes a REST API which includes a SPARQL-over-HTTP endpoint. We show how to use the REST API to achieve the same results as Getting Started with the Shell.
The step-by-step examples use the cURL tool which is normally installed on MacOS, Linux and modern versions of Windows. At the end of this section, we give an example of achieving the same results using Python.
Ensure all steps from the Setup chapter have been completed.
3.4.1. Creating a Data Store¶
To perform the equivalent of the RDFox shell commands dstore create family type
we issue a POST request on the datastore/family
specifying the type of data store in the type
query parameter.
curl -i -X POST "localhost:12110/datastores/family?type=par-complex-nn"
Note we run cURL with the -i
option to include the response headers in
the output which means the output will be similar to:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 12:13:32 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
Location: /datastores/family
Content-Length: 0
We can confirm this data store exists by listing the data stores using a
request on the datastores
curl -i -X GET localhost:12110/datastores
The results will be:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 12:15:04 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
Content-Type: text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
3.4.2. Loading Data¶
To load data, we perform the equivalent of the import
RDFox shell command
shown in Section 3.1 by issuing a POST on the
There is no mechanism to import a file that is located on the server, instead
the data content must be sent in the body of the request. We can achieve this
with cURL by creating a file and using the -data
command line option to
read this file and send it to RDFox.
Using the data file data.ttl
, issue the cURL command:
curl -i -X POST localhost:12110/datastores/family/content -H "Content-Type:" -T data.ttl
This sends the turtle data to RDFox and reports success with:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 13:16:11 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
prefix: : = https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/
information: #facts = 21
Note the use of -H "Content-Type:"
in the cURL command. By default, cURL
will set the content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
which is a
not a supported RDFox Content-Type
. Using -H "Content-Type:"
cURL not to set the Content-Type
and allows RDFox to automatically detect
that we have data in Turtle format. Alternatively, we could explicitly set the
type using -H "Content-Type: text/turtle"
. For the different formats
supported by RDFox, see Section 14.3.
3.4.3. Listing Triples¶
To list the triples in the data store, we send a GET
request to the
path and use the Accept
request header to obtain the results in
curl -i -X GET localhost:12110/datastores/family/content -H "Accept: text/turtle"
which returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 13:16:41 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
@prefix a1: <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix ruleml: <http://www.w3.org/2003/11/ruleml#> .
@prefix swrl: <http://www.w3.org/2003/11/swrl#> .
@prefix swrlb: <http://www.w3.org/2003/11/swrlb#> .
@prefix swrlx: <http://www.w3.org/2003/11/swrlx#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
a1:peter a1:gender "male" ;
a1:marriedTo a1:lois ;
rdf:type a1:Person ;
a1:forename "Peter" .
a1:lois a1:gender "female" ;
rdf:type a1:Person ;
a1:forename "Lois" .
a1:meg a1:gender "female" ;
a1:hasParent a1:lois , a1:peter ;
rdf:type a1:Person ;
a1:forename "Meg" .
a1:chris a1:gender "male" ;
a1:hasParent a1:peter ;
rdf:type a1:Person ;
a1:forename "Chris" .
a1:stewie a1:gender "male" ;
a1:hasParent a1:lois ;
rdf:type a1:Person ;
a1:forename "Stewie" .
a1:brian a1:forename "Brian" .
Alternatively we could list the triples in N-Triples
format with:
curl -i -X GET localhost:12110/datastores/family/content -H "Accept: application/n-triples"
3.4.4. Running Queries¶
To run a query we send a POST
request to the sparql
path and set the
parameter to a SPARQL query. To run the query SELECT ?p ?n WHERE
{ ?p a :Person . ?p :forename ?n }
we run the command:
curl -i -X POST localhost:12110/datastores/family/sparql -d "query=PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> SELECT ?p ?n WHERE { ?p a :Person . ?p :forename ?n }"
This returns the result in the default format of tab-separated-values.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 16:05:56 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
Content-Type: text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
?p ?n
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/peter> "Peter"
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/stewie> "Stewie"
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/chris> "Chris"
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/meg> "Meg"
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/lois> "Lois"
To view the results in SPARQL 1.1 JSON Format
set the Accept
header to
curl -i -X POST -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+json" localhost:12110/datastores/family/sparql -d "query=PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> SELECT ?p ?n WHERE { ?p a :Person . ?p :forename ?n }"
Notice the use of query=...
in the post data. This is necessary because
cURL will URL-encode post data by default and the SPARQL standard requires the
parameter is used when issuing a SPARQL query via POST with
URL-encoded parameters
Alternatively it is possible to issue a query via POST directly by setting
the content type to application/sparql-query
as shown below:
curl -i -X POST localhost:12110/datastores/family/sparql -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" -d "PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> SELECT ?p ?n WHERE { ?p a :Person . ?p :forename ?n }"
3.4.5. Inserting Data Using SPARQL¶
To perform a SPARQL
insert the update
parameter should be used:
curl -i -X POST localhost:12110/datastores/family/sparql -d "update=PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> INSERT { ?x :marriedTo ?y } WHERE { ?y :marriedTo ?x }"
this returns the no content (204) status code to indicate success:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 16:06:47 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
3.4.6. Adding Rules¶
To add a Datalog rule we issue a POST
request to the content
path and send the rule text in the body of the request:
curl -i -X POST localhost:12110/datastores/family/content -H "Content-Type: application/x.datalog" --data-raw "@PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> . [?p, :hasChild, ?c] :- [?c, :hasParent, ?p] ."
this returns the OK status code (200) to indicate success:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 16:07:49 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
prefix: : = https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/
information: #rules = 1
information: #rule-updates = 1
Note the use of the --data-raw
option in the above example, this is because
normally @
means insert the contents of a file in cURL, using
allows @
symbols to be sent as is.
To confirm this rule has added new facts issue a SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p
:hasChild ?c }
query with:
curl -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/x.sparql-results+turtle" localhost:12110/datastores/family/sparql -d "query=PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }"
this returns an OK status code (200) and the results of the query in Turtle format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 16:08:48 GMT
Server: RDFox Endpoint
Content-Type: application/x.sparql-results+turtle; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/lois> <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/meg> .
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/peter> <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/meg> .
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/peter> <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/chris> .
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/lois> <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/stewie> .
3.4.7. Deleting Facts¶
To prove the :hasChild
rule is live, delete the fact [:stewie :hasParent
. We achieve this by sending a PATCH
request to the content
path and setting the operation
parameter to delete-content
curl -i -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/x.datalog" "localhost:12110/datastores/family/content?operation=delete-content" --data-raw "@PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> . [:stewie, :hasParent, :lois] ."
When the SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }
query is rerun with:
curl -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/x.sparql-results+turtle" localhost:12110/datastores/family/sparql -d "query=PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }"
we see that the result :lois
, :stewie
is no longer present:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 16:59:38 GMT
server: RDFox Endpoint
content-type: application/x.sparql-results+turtle; charset=UTF-8
transfer-encoding: chunked
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/lois> <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/meg> .
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/peter> <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/meg> .
<https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/peter> <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/chris> .
3.4.8. Deleting a Data Store¶
To perform the equivalent of the RDFox shell command dstore delete family force
we issue a DELETE request on the datastore/family
curl -i -X DELETE "localhost:12110/datastores/family"
3.4.9. Python example¶
The following Python script uses the requests module to reproduce the same steps as used in the cURL examples presented previous.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 | import requests # helper function to raise exception if the REST endpoint returns an # unexpected status code def assert_reponse_ok(response, message): if not response.ok: raise Exception( message + "\nStatus received={}\n{}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) rdfox_server = "http://localhost:12110" # Create the data store response = requests.post( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family", params={'type': 'par-complex-nn'}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to create datastore.") # List data stores response = requests.get(rdfox_server + "/datastores") assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to obtain list of datastores") print("== Data store list ==") print(response.text) # Add facts turtle_data = """ @prefix : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> . :peter :forename "Peter" ; a :Person ; :marriedTo :lois ; :gender "male" . :lois :forename "Lois" ; a :Person ; :gender "female" . :meg :forename "Meg" ; a :Person ; :hasParent :lois, :peter ; :gender "female" . :chris :forename "Chris" ; a :Person ; :hasParent :peter ; :gender "male" . :stewie :forename "Stewie" ; a :Person ; :hasParent :lois ; :gender "male" . :brian :forename "Brian" . # Brian is a dog """ response = requests.post( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/content", data=turtle_data) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to add facts to data store.") # List facts response = requests.get( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/content", headers={"Accept": "text/turtle"}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to obtain facts from data store.") print("== Facts imported ==") print(response.text) # Issue select query sparql_text = "PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> " \ "SELECT ?p ?n WHERE { ?p a :Person . ?p :forename ?n }" response = requests.get( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/sparql", params={"query": sparql_text}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to run select query.") print("== Initial query result ==") print(response.text) # Issue insert sparql_insert = "PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> " \ "INSERT { ?x :marriedTo ?y } WHERE { ?y :marriedTo ?x }" response = requests.post( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/sparql", data={"update": sparql_insert}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to insert fact via sparql.") # Add rule datalog_rule = "@PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> . " \ "[?p, :hasChild, ?c] :- [?c, :hasParent, ?p] ." response = requests.post( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/content", data=datalog_rule) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to add rule.") # Check rule exists by listing rules. response = requests.get(rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/content", headers={"Content-Type": "application/x.datalog"}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to list rules.") print("== Rules listing (after adding rule) ==") print(response.text) # Query to confirm rule sparql_text = "PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> " \ "SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }" response = requests.get( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/sparql", params={"query": sparql_text}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to run select query.") print("== Query for derived facts ==") print(response.text) # Delete fact datalog_text = "@PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> . " \ "[:stewie, :hasParent, :lois] ." response = requests.patch( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/content", params={"operation": "delete-content"}, data=datalog_text) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to delete fact.") # Query to confirm derived facts updated (stewie is no longer a child of lois) sparql_text = "PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> " \ "SELECT ?p ?c WHERE { ?p :hasChild ?c }" response = requests.get( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/sparql", params={"query": sparql_text}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to run select query.") print("== Query for updated derived facts ==") print(response.text) # delete rule datalog_rule = "@PREFIX : <https://oxfordsemantic.tech/RDFox/getting-started/> . " \ "[?p, :hasChild, ?c] :- [?c, :hasParent, ?p] ." response = requests.patch( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/content", params={"operation": "delete-content"}, data=datalog_rule) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to delete rule.") # list rules after deletion response = requests.get(rdfox_server + "/datastores/family/content", headers={"Accept": "application/x.datalog"}) assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to list rules.") print("== Rules listing (after deleting rule) ==") print(response.text) # Delete the data store response = requests.delete( rdfox_server + "/datastores/family") assert_reponse_ok(response, "Failed to delete data store.") |
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