long |
DataStoreConnection.addRule(Rule rule) |
Adds a rule to the data store.
long |
DataStoreConnection.addRules(java.util.Collection<Rule> datalogProgram) |
Adds a collection of rules to the data store.
long |
Cursor.advance() |
Advances the cursor and positions it to the next tuple.
void |
DataStoreConnection.begin(TransactionType transactionType) |
void |
DataStoreConnection.beginTransaction(TransactionType transactionType) |
Starts a new transaction on this connection.
boolean |
Cursor.canAdvance() |
void |
ServerConnection.changeRolePassword(java.lang.String currentPassword,
java.lang.String newPassword) |
Creates the password of the role that is associated with this connection.
void |
DataStoreConnection.checkPassword(java.lang.String password) |
Checks whether the supplied password is valid for the role associated with this connection.
void |
ServerConnection.checkPassword(java.lang.String password) |
Checks whether the supplied password is valid for the role associated with this connection.
void |
DataStoreConnection.clear() |
Clears the content of this data store -- that is, it clears all data and rules so the logical state of
the data store is the same as after initialisation.
void |
DataStoreConnection.clearFactsKeepRulesAxioms() |
Clears all facts, while keeping all the currently loaded rules and axioms.
void |
DataStoreConnection.clearRulesAxiomsExplicateFacts() |
Clears all rules and turns all facts in the data store into EDB facts.
void |
DataStoreConnection.commit() |
void |
DataStoreConnection.commitTransaction() |
Commits the transaction associated with this connection.
void |
DataStoreConnection.compact() |
Compact the data in the data store.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.containsDataSource(java.lang.String dataSourceName) |
Checks whether the data store contains a data source with the specified name.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.containsDataSourceTable(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
java.lang.String dataSourceTableName) |
Checks whether the specified data source in the data store contains a data source table with the specified name.
boolean |
ServerConnection.containsDataStore(java.lang.String dataStoreName) |
Returns true if the connected server contains a data store with the given name.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.containsStatistics(java.lang.String statisticsName) |
Checks whether the data store contains the statistics with the specified name.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.containsTupleTable(java.lang.String tupleTableName) |
Checks whether the data store contains a tuple table with the specified name.
Cursor |
DataStoreConnection.createCursor(java.lang.String baseIRI,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String queryText,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters) |
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query with the default fetch window size of 100.
Cursor |
DataStoreConnection.createCursor(java.lang.String baseIRI,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String queryText,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
int fetchWindowSize) |
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query.
Cursor |
DataStoreConnection.createCursor(Query query,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters) |
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query with the default fetch window size of 100.
Cursor |
DataStoreConnection.createCursor(Query query,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
int fetchWindowSize) |
Creates a cursor over the results of the given query.
void |
ServerConnection.createDataStore(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> dataStoreParameters) |
Creates a data store with the given name.
void |
DataStoreConnection.createExplanation(java.lang.String baseIRI,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String factText,
int maxDistanceFromRoot,
int maxRuleInstancesPerFact,
ExplanationType explanationType,
java.io.OutputStream outputStream) |
Computes an explanation for a given fact and saves it in JSON format to the given output stream.
void |
DataStoreConnection.createExplanation(Prefixes prefixes,
TupleTableAtom fact,
int maxDistanceFromRoot,
int maxRuleInstancesPerFact,
ExplanationType explanationType,
java.io.OutputStream outputStream) |
Computes an explanation for a given fact and saves it in JSON format to the given output stream.
static void |
ConnectionFactory.createFirstLocalServerRole(java.lang.String firstRoleName,
java.lang.String password) |
Creates the first role in the local server.
void |
ServerConnection.createRole(java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String password) |
Creates a new role with the given name and password.
void |
ServerConnection.createRole(java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String passwordOrHash,
boolean isHash) |
Creates a new role with the given name and password.
void |
DataStoreConnection.createStatistics(java.lang.String statisticsName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> statisticsParameters) |
Creates the statistics in a data store.
void |
DataStoreConnection.createTupleTable(java.lang.String tupleTableName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> tupleTableParameters) |
Creates a tuple table in a data store.
void |
ServerConnection.deleteDataStore(java.lang.String dataStoreName) |
Deletes a data store with the given name from the server.
void |
ServerConnection.deleteDataStore(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.lang.String expectedDataStoreUniqueID,
long expectedDataStoreVersion) |
Deletes a data store with the given name from the server if the data store's unique ID and version match the expected values.
void |
ServerConnection.deleteRole(java.lang.String roleName) |
Deletes a role with the given name.
long |
DataStoreConnection.deleteRule(Rule rule) |
Deletes a rule to the data store.
long |
DataStoreConnection.deleteRules(java.util.Collection<Rule> datalogProgram) |
Deletes a collection of rules to the data store.
void |
DataStoreConnection.deleteStatistics(java.lang.String statisticsName) |
Deletes the data store statistics with the specified name from the data store.
void |
DataStoreConnection.deleteTupleTable(java.lang.String tupleTableName) |
Deletes the tuple table with the specified name from the data store.
void |
DataStoreConnection.deregisterDataSource(java.lang.String dataSourceName) |
Deregisters the data source table with the specified name from the data store.
DataSourceInfo |
DataStoreConnection.describeDataSource(java.lang.String dataSourceName) |
Returns information about the data source with the given name.
DataSourceTableInfo |
DataStoreConnection.describeDataSourceTable(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
java.lang.String dataSourceTableName) |
Returns information about the data source table of the specified data source in the data store.
StatisticsInfo |
DataStoreConnection.describeStatistics(java.lang.String statisticsName) |
Returns information about the specific statistics of the data store.
TupleTableInfo |
DataStoreConnection.describeTupleTable(java.lang.String tupleTableName) |
Returns information about the tuple table with the given name.
DataStoreConnection |
DataStoreConnection.duplicate() |
Creates a new connection to the same data store.
ServerConnection |
ServerConnection.duplicate() |
Creates a new connection to the same data store.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateQuery(java.lang.String baseIRI,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String queryText,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
QueryAnswerMonitor queryAnswerMonitor) |
Evaluates a query and calls the supplied QueryAnswerMonitor instance for each tuple in the result.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateQuery(Query query,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
QueryAnswerMonitor queryAnswerMonitor) |
Evaluates a query and calls the supplied QueryAnswerMonitor instance for each tuple in the result.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement(java.lang.String baseIRI,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String statementText,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
java.io.File file,
java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName) |
Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied file using the specified format.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement(java.lang.String baseIRI,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String statementText,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
java.io.OutputStream outputStream,
java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName) |
Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied output stream using the specified format.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement(Prefixes prefixes,
Statement statement,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
java.io.File file,
java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName) |
Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied file using the specified format.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement(Prefixes prefixes,
Statement statement,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters,
java.io.OutputStream outputStream,
java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName) |
Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied output stream using the specified format.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateUpdate(java.lang.String baseIRI,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String updateText,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters) |
Evaluates an update.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateUpdate(Update update,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters) |
Evaluates an update.
StatementResult |
DataStoreConnection.evaluateUpdates(java.util.List<Update> updates,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> compilationParameters) |
Evaluates a list of updates.
void |
DataStoreConnection.exportData(Prefixes prefixes,
java.io.File file,
java.lang.String formatName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters) |
Exports the data in the data store using the given format.
void |
DataStoreConnection.exportData(Prefixes prefixes,
java.io.OutputStream outputStream,
java.lang.String formatName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters) |
Exports the data in the data store using the given format.
int |
Cursor.getArity() |
Returns the arity (i.e., the number of columns) of the answers that the cursor computes.
ComponentInfo |
DataStoreConnection.getComponentInfo(boolean extended) |
Returns diagnostic information about the data store as a tree of objects each providing detailed information about the
data store.
ComponentInfo |
ServerConnection.getComponentInfo(boolean extended) |
Returns diagnostic information about the server as a tree of objects each providing detailed information about the
ResourceValue[][] |
DataStoreConnection.getDataSourceTableData(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
java.lang.String dataSourceTableName,
int numberOfRows) |
Returns a sample of the data from the specified data source table.
DataStoreConnection |
Cursor.getDataStoreConnection() |
Returns the data store connection that this cursor is associated with.
long |
DataStoreConnection.getDataStoreVersion() |
Returns the version of the data store, which is an number that is incremented every time the data store
is updated.
long |
DataStoreConnection.getDataStoreVersionAfterLastOperation() |
Returns the version that the data store had after the last operation on this connection.
long |
DataStoreConnection.getDictionaryVersion() |
Returns the version of the data store dictionary, which is an number that is incremented every time the data store
dictionary is cleared.
long |
DataStoreConnection.getEndResourceID() |
Returns the one plus the maximum resource ID that can be stored in tuple tables of this data store.
EqualityAxiomatization |
DataStoreConnection.getEqualityAxiomatization() |
Returns a flag that determines how the data store deals with equality reasoning.
java.lang.String |
ServerConnection.getGitSHA() |
Returns the string containing the Git SHA identifying the precise version of the RDFox instance code.
int |
DataStoreConnection.getID() |
Returns an integer that uniquely identifies the data store within the server.
long |
DataStoreConnection.getLockTimeout() |
Returns the time in milliseconds that the system will wait for when it needs to acquire a lock on a data store.
java.lang.String |
DataStoreConnection.getName() |
Returns the name of the data store inside the server.
long |
DataStoreConnection.getNextOperationMustMatchDataStoreVersion() |
Returns the data store version that the next operation on this connection should expect.
long |
DataStoreConnection.getNextOperationMustNotMatchDataStoreVersion() |
Returns the data store version that the next operation on this connection should not expect.
static long |
ConnectionFactory.getNumberOfLocalServerRoles() |
Returns the number of roles currently present in the local server.
int |
ServerConnection.getNumberOfThreads() |
Returns the number of threads that the server uses for various tasks such as reasoning and data importation.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
DataStoreConnection.getParameters() |
Returns the parameters that the data store was created with.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
ServerConnection.getParameters() |
Returns the parameters that the server was created with.
Resource |
Cursor.getResource(int argumentIndex) |
Returns the resource by for the given index in the current answer row.
Resource |
DataStoreConnection.getResource(long resourceID) |
Looks up the resource with the given IDs.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.getResources(long[] resourceIDs,
int startIndex,
int endIndex,
Resource[] resources) |
Looks up the resources with the given IDs.
ResourceValue |
Cursor.getResourceValue(int argumentIndex) |
Returns the resource bound to the given index in the current answer row.
ResourceValue |
DataStoreConnection.getResourceValue(long resourceID) |
Looks up the resource with the given ID.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.getResourceValues(long[] resourceIDs,
int startIndex,
int endIndex,
ResourceValue[] resourceValues) |
Looks up the resources with the given IDs.
java.lang.String |
DataStoreConnection.getRoleName() |
Returns the name of the role currently associated with this connection.
java.lang.String |
ServerConnection.getRoleName() |
Returns the name of the role currently associated with this connection.
java.lang.String |
ServerConnection.getRolePasswordHash(java.lang.String roleName) |
Returns the password hash for the given role name.
TransactionState |
DataStoreConnection.getTransactionState() |
Returns the state of the transaction associated with this connection.
java.lang.String |
DataStoreConnection.getUniqueID() |
Returns a string that uniquely identifies the data store.
java.lang.String |
ServerConnection.getVersion() |
Returns the version string of the RDFox instance.
void |
ServerConnection.grantPrivileges(java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String resourceSpecifier,
byte accessTypesToGrant) |
Grants privileges over a resource specifier to a role.
void |
ServerConnection.grantRole(java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String superRoleName) |
Grants the membership of a role in another role.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importAxiomsFromTriples(java.lang.String sourceGraphName,
boolean translateAssertions,
java.lang.String destinationGraphName,
UpdateType updateType) |
Parses the given source graph into OWL axioms, and imports the axioms into the destination graph.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importAxiomsFromTriples(java.lang.String sourceGraphName,
boolean translateAssertions,
java.lang.String destinationGraphName,
UpdateType updateType,
ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor) |
Parses the given source graph into OWL axioms, and imports the axioms into the destination graph.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(java.lang.String defaultGraphName,
UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.io.File file) |
Imports the data from the given file into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(java.lang.String defaultGraphName,
UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.io.InputStream inputStream) |
Imports the data from the given input stream into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(java.lang.String defaultGraphName,
UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String content) |
Imports the data from the given string into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(java.lang.String defaultGraphName,
UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.util.Collection<InputSourceFactory> inputSourceFactories,
java.lang.String formatName,
ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor) |
Imports the data described by the given input source factories into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(java.lang.String defaultGraphName,
UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
InputSourceFactory inputSourceFactory,
java.lang.String formatName,
ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor) |
Imports the data described by the given input source factory into the current data store
The graph with the specified name is used as a default graph.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.io.File file) |
Imports the data from the given file into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.io.InputStream inputStream) |
Imports the data from the given input stream into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.lang.String content) |
Imports the data from the given string into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
java.util.Collection<InputSourceFactory> inputSourceFactories,
java.lang.String formatName,
ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor) |
Imports the data described by the given input source factories into the current data store.
ImportResult |
DataStoreConnection.importData(UpdateType updateType,
Prefixes prefixes,
InputSourceFactory inputSourceFactory,
java.lang.String formatName,
ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor) |
Imports the data described by the given input source factory into the current data store.
void |
DataStoreConnection.interrupt() |
Tries to interrupt an operation that is running in parallel on this connection.
void |
ServerConnection.interrupt() |
Tries to interrupt an operation that is running in parallel on this connection.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.isConcurrent() |
Returns true if the data store supports concurrent access.
boolean |
ServerConnection.isMemberOf(java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String superRoleName) |
Checks whether the given role is a member of another super-role.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.isPersistent() |
Returns true if the data store is persistent.
java.util.List<DataSourceInfo> |
DataStoreConnection.listDataSources() |
Returns information about the data sources currently present in the data store.
java.util.List<DataSourceTableInfo> |
DataStoreConnection.listDataSourceTables(java.lang.String dataSourceName) |
Returns information about the data source tables of the specified data source in the data store.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
ServerConnection.listDataStores() |
Returns the list of names of data stores available at the connected server.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Byte> |
ServerConnection.listPrivileges(java.lang.String roleName) |
Lists the privileges of a given role.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
ServerConnection.listRoleMembers(java.lang.String roleName) |
Lists the roles that are members of the given role.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
ServerConnection.listRoleMemberships(java.lang.String roleName) |
Lists the roles that the given role is a member of.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
ServerConnection.listRoles() |
Returns the list of all roles available at the server.
java.util.List<RuleInfo> |
DataStoreConnection.listRules() |
Returns the information about the rules currently loaded into the data store.
java.util.List<StatisticsInfo> |
DataStoreConnection.listStatistics() |
Returns information about all statistics currently managed by the data store.
java.util.List<TupleTableInfo> |
DataStoreConnection.listTupleTables() |
Returns information about the tuple tables currently present in the data store.
void |
ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.io.File file) |
Loads a data store with the given name from a file containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
void |
ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.io.File file,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> dataStoreParameters) |
Loads a data store with the given name from a file containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
void |
ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.io.InputStream inputStream) |
Loads a data store with the given name from an input stream containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
void |
ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.io.InputStream inputStream,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> dataStoreParameters) |
Loads a data store with the given name from an input stream containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
static DataStoreConnection |
ConnectionFactory.newDataStoreConnection(java.lang.String serverURL,
java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String password) |
Creates a new connection to a data store
at the server whose location is specified by the given URL.
DataStoreConnection |
ServerConnection.newDataStoreConnection(java.lang.String dataStoreName) |
Creates a connection to the data store of this server with the given name.
static ServerConnection |
ConnectionFactory.newServerConnection(java.lang.String serverURL,
java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String password) |
Creates a new connection to a server
whose location is specified by the given URL.
long |
Cursor.open() |
Opens the cursor and positions it to the first tuple.
void |
QueryAnswerMonitor.processQueryAnswer(java.util.List<ResourceValue> answer,
long multiplicity) |
Called for each query answer.
void |
QueryAnswerMonitor.queryAnswersFinished() |
Called after all query answers have been processed.
void |
QueryAnswerMonitor.queryAnswersStarted(java.lang.String[] answerVariableNames) |
Called at the start of query answering.
void |
DataStoreConnection.recompileRules() |
Recompiles the rules using the currently available statistics.
void |
DataStoreConnection.recomputeMaterialization() |
Recomputes the materialization from scratch — that is, deletes all derived facts and applies all rules as if the data
had just been freshly imported.
void |
DataStoreConnection.registerDataSource(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> dataSourceParameters) |
Registers a data source with a data store.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.requiresIncrementalReasoning() |
Returns true if the next data store update must be performed using incremental reasoning
(rather than standard using the standard datalog materialization "from scratch" algorithm).
void |
ServerConnection.revokePrivileges(java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String resourceSpecifier,
byte accessTypesToRevoke) |
Revokes privileges over a resource specifier from a role.
void |
ServerConnection.revokeRole(java.lang.String roleName,
java.lang.String superRoleName) |
Revokes the membership of a role in another role.
void |
DataStoreConnection.rollback() |
void |
DataStoreConnection.rollbackTransaction() |
Rolls back the transaction associated with this connection.
void |
ServerConnection.saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.io.File file,
BinaryDataStoreFormat format) |
Saves a data store into the specified binary format.
void |
ServerConnection.saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.io.OutputStream outputStream,
BinaryDataStoreFormat format) |
Saves a data store into the specified binary format.
void |
ServerConnection.saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.lang.String expectedDataStoreUniqueID,
long expectedDataStoreVersion,
java.io.File file,
BinaryDataStoreFormat format) |
Saves a data store into the specified binary format if the data store's unique ID and version match the expected values.
void |
ServerConnection.saveDataStoreToBinaryFormat(java.lang.String dataStoreName,
java.lang.String expectedDataStoreUniqueID,
long expectedDataStoreVersion,
java.io.OutputStream outputStream,
BinaryDataStoreFormat format) |
Saves a data store into the specified binary format if the data store's unique ID and version match the expected values.
void |
DataStoreConnection.setLockTimeout(long timeout) |
Sets the time in milliseconds that the system will wait for when it needs to acquire a lock on a data store.
void |
DataStoreConnection.setNextOperationMustMatchDataStoreVersion(long dataStoreVersion) |
Configures this connection so that the next operation is accepted only if the data store has the given version
before the operation commences.
void |
DataStoreConnection.setNextOperationMustNotMatchDataStoreVersion(long dataStoreVersion) |
Configures this connection so that the next operation is accepted only if the data store does not have the given
version before the operation commences.
void |
ServerConnection.setNumberOfThreads(int numberOfThreads) |
Sets the number of threads that the server should use for various tasks such as reasoning and data importation.
static java.lang.String[] |
ConnectionFactory.startLocalServer(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> serverParameters) |
Starts the local server and initialises it using the supplied parameters.
void |
Cursor.stop() |
Stops this iterator by releasing all resources that the cursor might hold.
static void |
ConnectionFactory.stopLocalServer() |
Stops the local server, or does nothing if the local server is not running.
boolean |
DataStoreConnection.transactionRequiresRollback() |
Returns true if a transaction is active on this connection and this transaction must be rolled back (i.e., it
cannot be committed).
void |
DataStoreConnection.updateMaterialization() |
Updates the materialization so that all and only the consequences of the explicitly stated facts and the rules are derived.
void |
DataStoreConnection.updateStatistics() |
Updates all statistics that the data store uses to plan queries and rules.
void |
DataStoreConnection.updateStatistics(java.lang.String statisticsName) |
Updates the statistics with the given name that the data store uses to plan queries and rules.