Uses of Class

  • Uses of JRDFoxException in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client

    Methods in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.client that throw JRDFoxException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    long DataStoreConnection.addRule​(Rule rule)
    Adds a rule to the data store.
    long DataStoreConnection.addRules​(java.util.Collection<Rule> datalogProgram)
    Adds a collection of rules to the data store.
    long Cursor.advance()
    Advances the cursor and positions it to the next tuple.
    static boolean ConnectionFactory.areLocalServerRolesEmpty()
    Checks whether the list of roles of the local server is empty.
    void DataStoreConnection.begin​(TransactionType transactionType)
    void DataStoreConnection.beginTransaction​(TransactionType transactionType)
    Starts a new transaction on this connection.
    boolean Cursor.canAdvance()
    Checks whether Cursor.advance() can be called to continue iteration.
    void ServerConnection.changeRolePassword​(java.lang.String currentPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
    Creates the password of the role that is associated with this connection.
    void DataStoreConnection.clear()
    Clears the content of this data store -- that is, it clears all data and rules so the logical state of the data store is the same as after initialisation.
    void DataStoreConnection.clearFactsKeepRulesAxioms()
    Clears all facts, while keeping all the currently loaded rules and axioms.
    void DataStoreConnection.clearRulesAxiomsExplicateFacts()
    Clears all rules and turns all facts in the data store into EDB facts.
    void DataStoreConnection.commit()
    void DataStoreConnection.commitTransaction()
    Commits the transaction associated with this connection.
    void DataStoreConnection.compact()
    Compact the data in the data store.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.containsDataSource​(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Checks whether the data store contains a data source with the specified name.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.containsDataSourceTable​(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String dataSourceTableName)
    Checks whether the specified data source in the data store contains a data source table with the specified name.
    boolean ServerConnection.containsDataStore​(java.lang.String dataStoreName)
    Returns true if the connected server contains a data store with the given name.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.containsStatistics​(java.lang.String statisticsName)
    Checks whether the data store contains the statistics with the specified name.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.containsTupleTable​(java.lang.String tupleTableName)
    Checks whether the data store contains a tuple table with the specified name.
    Cursor DataStoreConnection.createCursor​(Query query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters)
    Creates a cursor over the results of the given query.
    Cursor DataStoreConnection.createCursor​(Prefixes prefixes, java.lang.String queryText, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters)
    Creates a cursor over the results of the given query.
    void ServerConnection.createDataStore​(java.lang.String dataStoreName, java.lang.String dataStoreTypeName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> dataStoreParameters)
    Creates a data store with the given name.
    static void ConnectionFactory.createFirstLocalServerRole​(java.lang.String firstRoleName, java.lang.String password)
    Creates the first role in the local server.
    void ServerConnection.createRole​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String password)
    Creates a new role with the given name and password.
    void ServerConnection.createRole​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String passwordOrHash, boolean isHash)
    Creates a new role with the given name and password.
    void DataStoreConnection.createStatistics​(java.lang.String statisticsName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> statisticsParameters)
    Creates the statistics in a data store.
    void DataStoreConnection.createTupleTable​(java.lang.String tupleTableName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> tupleTableParameters)
    Creates a tuple table in a data store.
    void ServerConnection.deleteDataStore​(java.lang.String dataStoreName)
    Deletes a data store with the given name from the server.
    void ServerConnection.deleteRole​(java.lang.String roleName)
    Deletes a role with the given name.
    long DataStoreConnection.deleteRule​(Rule rule)
    Deletes a rule to the data store.
    long DataStoreConnection.deleteRules​(java.util.Collection<Rule> datalogProgram)
    Deletes a collection of rules to the data store.
    void DataStoreConnection.deleteStatistics​(java.lang.String statisticsName)
    Deletes the data store statistics with the specified name from the data store.
    void DataStoreConnection.deleteTupleTable​(java.lang.String tupleTableName)
    Deletes the tuple table with the specified name from the data store.
    void DataStoreConnection.deregisterDataSource​(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Deregisters the data source table with the specified name from the data store.
    DataSourceInfo DataStoreConnection.describeDataSource​(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Returns information about the data source with the given name.
    DataSourceTableInfo DataStoreConnection.describeDataSourceTable​(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String dataSourceTableName)
    Returns information about the data source table of the specified data source in the data store.
    StatisticsInfo DataStoreConnection.describeStatistics​(java.lang.String statisticsName)
    Returns information about the specific statistics of the data store.
    TupleTableInfo DataStoreConnection.describeTupleTable​(java.lang.String tupleTableName)
    Returns information about the tuple table with the given name.
    DataStoreConnection DataStoreConnection.duplicate()
    Creates a new connection to the same data store.
    ServerConnection ServerConnection.duplicate()
    Creates a new connection to the same data store.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateQuery​(Query query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters, QueryAnswerMonitor queryAnswerMonitor)
    Evaluates a query and calls the supplied QueryAnswerMonitor instance for each tuple in the result.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateQuery​(Prefixes prefixes, java.lang.String queryText, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters, QueryAnswerMonitor queryAnswerMonitor)
    Evaluates a query and calls the supplied QueryAnswerMonitor instance for each tuple in the result.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement​(Prefixes prefixes, java.lang.String statementText, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters, file, java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName)
    Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied file using the specified format.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement​(Prefixes prefixes, java.lang.String statementText, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters, outputStream, java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName)
    Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied output stream using the specified format.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement​(Prefixes prefixes, Query statement, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters, file, java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName)
    Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied file using the specified format.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateStatement​(Prefixes prefixes, Query statement, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters, outputStream, java.lang.String queryAnswerFormatName)
    Evaluates a statement and serialises the result to the supplied output stream using the specified format.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateUpdate​(Update update, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters)
    Evaluates an update.
    StatementResult DataStoreConnection.evaluateUpdate​(Prefixes prefixes, java.lang.String updateText, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> compilationParameters)
    Evaluates an update.
    void DataStoreConnection.exportData​(Prefixes prefixes, file, java.lang.String formatName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> parameters)
    Exports the data in the data store using the given format.
    void DataStoreConnection.exportData​(Prefixes prefixes, outputStream, java.lang.String formatName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> parameters)
    Exports the data in the data store using the given format.
    int Cursor.getArity()
    Returns the arity (i.e., the number of columns) of the answers that the cursor computes.
    ComponentInfo DataStoreConnection.getComponentInfo​(boolean extended)
    Returns diagnostic information about the data store as a tree of objects each providing detailed information about the data store.
    ComponentInfo ServerConnection.getComponentInfo​(boolean extended)
    Returns diagnostic information about the server as a tree of objects each providing detailed information about the server.
    ResourceValue[][] DataStoreConnection.getDataSourceTableData​(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String dataSourceTableName, int numberOfRows)
    Returns a sample of the data from the specified data source table.
    DataStoreConnection Cursor.getDataStoreConnection()
    Returns the data store connection that this cursor is associated with.
    long DataStoreConnection.getDictionaryGenerationCounter()
    Returns the generation counter of the data store dictionary, which is an number that is incremented every time the data store dictionary is cleared.
    long DataStoreConnection.getEndResourceID()
    Returns the one plus the maximum resource ID that can be stored in tuple tables of this data store.
    EqualityAxiomatization DataStoreConnection.getEqualityAxiomatization()
    Returns a flag that determines how the data store deals with equality reasoning.
    long DataStoreConnection.getGenerationCounter()
    Returns the generation counter of the data store, which is an number that is incremented every time the data store is updated.
    java.lang.String ServerConnection.getGitSHA()
    Returns the string containing the Git SHA identifying the precise version of the RDFox instance code.
    int DataStoreConnection.getID()
    Returns an integer that uniquely identifies the data store within the server.
    long DataStoreConnection.getLockTimeout()
    Returns the time in milliseconds that the system will wait for when it needs to acquire a lock on a data store.
    java.lang.String DataStoreConnection.getName()
    Returns the name of the data store inside the server.
    int ServerConnection.getNumberOfThreads()
    Returns the number of threads that the server uses for various tasks such as reasoning and data importation.
    OWLSupportMonitor DataStoreConnection.getOWLSupportMonitor()
    Returns the callback interface that is currently registered to receive callback notifications during the conversion of loaded RDF triples into OWL axioms, or during the conversion of OWL axioms into rules.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> DataStoreConnection.getParameters()
    Returns the parameters that the data store was created with.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> ServerConnection.getParameters()
    Returns the parameters that the server was created with.
    Resource Cursor.getResource​(int argumentIndex)
    Returns the resource by for the given index in the current answer row.
    Resource DataStoreConnection.getResource​(long resourceID)
    Looks up the resource with the given IDs.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.getResources​(long[] resourceIDs, int startIndex, int endIndex, Resource[] resources)
    Looks up the resources with the given IDs.
    ResourceValue Cursor.getResourceValue​(int argumentIndex)
    Returns the resource bound to the given index in the current answer row.
    ResourceValue DataStoreConnection.getResourceValue​(long resourceID)
    Looks up the resource with the given ID.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.getResourceValues​(long[] resourceIDs, int startIndex, int endIndex, ResourceValue[] resourceValues)
    Looks up the resources with the given IDs.
    java.lang.String DataStoreConnection.getRoleName()
    Returns the name of the role currently associated with this connection.
    java.lang.String ServerConnection.getRoleName()
    Returns the name of the role currently associated with this connection.
    java.lang.String ServerConnection.getRolePasswordHash​(java.lang.String roleName)
    Returns the password hash for the given role name.
    TransactionState DataStoreConnection.getTransactionState()
    Returns the state of the transaction associated with this connection.
    java.lang.String DataStoreConnection.getTypeName()
    Returns the type of the data store.
    java.lang.String DataStoreConnection.getUniqueID()
    Returns a string that uniquely identifies the data store.
    java.lang.String ServerConnection.getVersion()
    Returns the version string of the RDFox instance.
    void ServerConnection.grantPrivileges​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String resourceSpecifier, byte accessTypesToGrant)
    Grants privileges over a resource specifier to a role.
    void ServerConnection.grantRole​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String superRoleName)
    Grants the membership of a role in another role.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(java.lang.String defaultGraphName, UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, file)
    Imports the data from the given file into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(java.lang.String defaultGraphName, UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, inputStream)
    Imports the data from the given input stream into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(java.lang.String defaultGraphName, UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, java.lang.String content)
    Imports the data from the given string into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(java.lang.String defaultGraphName, UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, java.util.Collection<InputSourceFactory> inputSourceFactories, java.lang.String formatName, ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor)
    Imports the data described by the given input source factories into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(java.lang.String defaultGraphName, UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, InputSourceFactory inputSourceFactory, java.lang.String formatName, ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor)
    Imports the data described by the given input source factory into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, file)
    Imports the data from the given file into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, inputStream)
    Imports the data from the given input stream into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, java.lang.String content)
    Imports the data from the given string into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, java.util.Collection<InputSourceFactory> inputSourceFactories, java.lang.String formatName, ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor)
    Imports the data described by the given input source factories into the current data store.
    ImportResult DataStoreConnection.importData​(UpdateType updateType, Prefixes prefixes, InputSourceFactory inputSourceFactory, java.lang.String formatName, ImportNotificationMonitor importNotificationMonitor)
    Imports the data described by the given input source factory into the current data store.
    void DataStoreConnection.interrupt()
    Tries to interrupt an operation that is running in parallel on this connection.
    void ServerConnection.interrupt()
    Tries to interrupt an operation that is running in parallel on this connection.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.isConcurrent()
    Returns true if the data store supports concurrent access.
    boolean ServerConnection.isMemberOf​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String superRoleName)
    Checks whether the given role is a member of another super-role.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.isPersistent()
    Returns true if the data store is persistent.
    java.util.List<DataSourceInfo> DataStoreConnection.listDataSources()
    Returns information about the data sources currently present in the data store.
    java.util.List<DataSourceTableInfo> DataStoreConnection.listDataSourceTables​(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Returns information about the data source tables of the specified data source in the data store.
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> ServerConnection.listDataStores()
    Returns the list of names of data stores available at the connected server.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Byte> ServerConnection.listPrivileges​(java.lang.String roleName)
    Lists the privileges of a given role.
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> ServerConnection.listRoleMembers​(java.lang.String roleName)
    Lists the roles that are members of the given role.
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> ServerConnection.listRoleMemberships​(java.lang.String roleName)
    Lists the roles that the given role is a member of.
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> ServerConnection.listRoles()
    Returns the list of all roles available at the server.
    java.util.List<RuleInfo> DataStoreConnection.listRules()
    Returns the information about the rules currently loaded into the data store.
    java.util.List<StatisticsInfo> DataStoreConnection.listStatistics()
    Returns information about all statistics currently managed by the data store.
    java.util.List<TupleTableInfo> DataStoreConnection.listTupleTables()
    Returns information about the tuple tables currently present in the data store.
    void ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat​(java.lang.String dataStoreName, file)
    Loads a data store with the given name from a file containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
    void ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat​(java.lang.String dataStoreName, file, java.lang.String dataStoreTypeName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> dataStoreParameters)
    Loads a data store with the given name from a file containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
    void ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat​(java.lang.String dataStoreName, inputStream)
    Loads a data store with the given name from an input stream containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
    void ServerConnection.loadDataStoreFromBinaryFormat​(java.lang.String dataStoreName, inputStream, java.lang.String dataStoreTypeName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> dataStoreParameters)
    Loads a data store with the given name from an input stream containing the store saved in the standard or raw format.
    static DataStoreConnection ConnectionFactory.newDataStoreConnection​(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String dataStoreName, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String password)
    Creates a new connection of a data store at the server whose location is specified by the given URL.
    DataStoreConnection ServerConnection.newDataStoreConnection​(java.lang.String dataStoreName)
    Creates a connection to the data store of this server with the given name.
    static ServerConnection ConnectionFactory.newServerConnection​(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String password)
    Creates a new connection of a server whose location is specified by the given URL.
    Opens the cursor and positions it to the first tuple.
    void QueryAnswerMonitor.processQueryAnswer​(java.util.List<Resource> answer, long multiplicity)
    Called for each query answer.
    void QueryAnswerMonitor.queryAnswersFinished()
    Called after all query answers have been processed.
    void QueryAnswerMonitor.queryAnswersStarted​(java.lang.String[] answerVariableNames)
    Called at the start of query answering.
    void DataStoreConnection.recompileRules()
    Recompiles the rules using the currently available statistics.
    void DataStoreConnection.registerDataSource​(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String dataSourceTypeName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> dataSourceParameters)
    Registers a data source with a data store.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.requiresIncrementalReasoning()
    Returns true if the next data store update must be performed using incremental reasoning (rather than standard using the standard datalog materialization "from scratch" algorithm).
    void ServerConnection.revokePrivileges​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String resourceSpecifier, byte accessTypesToRevoke)
    Revokes privileges over a resource specifier from a role.
    void ServerConnection.revokeRole​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String superRoleName)
    Revokes the membership of a role in another role.
    void DataStoreConnection.rollback()
    void DataStoreConnection.rollbackTransaction()
    Rolls back the transaction associated with this connection.
    void DataStoreConnection.saveToBinaryFormat​( file, BinaryDataStoreFormat format)
    Saves the data store into the specified binary format.
    void DataStoreConnection.saveToBinaryFormat​( outputStream, BinaryDataStoreFormat format)
    Saves the data store into the specified binary format.
    void DataStoreConnection.setLockTimeout​(long timeout)
    Sets the time in milliseconds that the system will wait for when it needs to acquire a lock on a data store.
    void ServerConnection.setNumberOfThreads​(int numberOfThreads)
    Sets the number of threads that the server should use for various tasks such as reasoning and data importation.
    void DataStoreConnection.setOWLSupportMonitor​(OWLSupportMonitor owlSupportMonitor)
    Sets the callback interface that will be called for each error encountered during the conversion of loaded RDF triples into OWL axioms, or during the conversion of OWL axioms into rules.
    static java.lang.String[] ConnectionFactory.startLocalServer​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> serverParameters)
    Starts the local server and initialises it using the supplied parameters.
    void Cursor.stop()
    Stops this iterator by releasing all resources that the cursor might hold.
    static void ConnectionFactory.stopLocalServer()
    Stops the local server, or does nothing if the local server is not running.
    void DataStoreConnection.switchRole​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String password)
    Changes the identity of the user associated with this connection.
    void ServerConnection.switchRole​(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String password)
    Changes the role associated with this connection.
    boolean DataStoreConnection.transactionRequiresRollback()
    Returns true if a transaction is active on this connection and this transaction must be rolled back (i.e., it cannot be committed).
    void DataStoreConnection.updateMaterialization()
    Updates the materialization so that all and only the consequences of the explicitly stated facts and the rules are derived.
    void DataStoreConnection.updateStatistics()
    Updates all statistics that the data store uses to plan queries and rules.
    void DataStoreConnection.updateStatistics​(java.lang.String statisticsName)
    Updates the statistics with the given name that the data store uses to plan queries and rules.
  • Uses of JRDFoxException in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions

    Subclasses of JRDFoxException in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.exceptions 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AuthenticationException
    This exception is thrown when an authentication request fails (e.g., when the system is presented with an invalid combination of a role name and password).
    class  AuthorizationException
    This exception is thrown when a specified user is not authorised to perform a particular action on a resource (e.g., when a user attempts to change a data store for which they have only read-only access).
    class  ConstraintViolationException
    This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to commit a transaction in which the default RDF graph contains at least one instance of the class
    class  DuplicateResourceException
    This exception is thrown when a client tries to create a resource that already exists.
    class  FileException
    This exception is thrown when a file access operation attempts returns an error different from "file not found".
    class  LicenseException
    This exception is thrown when a server cannot find a valid license.
    class  LockTimeoutException
    This exception is thrown when a lock on a data store must be acquired in order to fulfil a request, but the lock acquisition times out.
    class  OperationInterruptedException
    This exception is thrown when an operation on a ServerConnection or DataStoreConnection is interrupted using the interrupt() method.
    class  ParsingException
    This exception is thrown when an error during parsing occurs.
    class  QueryCompilationException
    This exception is thrown when an error during query compilation occurs.
    class  ResourceInUseException
    This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to modify a resource that is currently used elsewhere.
    class  RuleCompilationException
    This exception is thrown when an error during rule compilation occurs.
    class  StaleCursorException
    This exception is thrown when Cursor.advance() called and the data store has changed since Cursor.advance() was called.
    class  UnknownResourceException
    This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to access a resource that does not exist.
  • Uses of JRDFoxException in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats

    Methods in tech.oxfordsemantic.jrdfox.formats that throw JRDFoxException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Query SPARQLParser.parseSingleQuery()  
    Statement SPARQLParser.parseSingleStatement()  
    Update SPARQLParser.parseSingleUpdate()